Into the arena

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"The suit seems to be waterproof so maybe the arena's something based around water or maybe a jungle." Olive walked over to Everly and held out two items in front of her. The necklace from rose and the dog tag that was from Finnick.

Raine reached out and touched the dog tag. She looked up at Clara confused, "How did you get this?" 

Clara sat down next to her, "Jess gave it to me a few days ago."

Everly's eyes widened and she jumped up from her seat, "She came to the Capitol? What if they found her? Is she okay?" 

"Hey. Calm down," she grabbed Everly's shoulders, "she's fine. She's had to run though. Said an uprising was starting."

Everly looked down at the ground for a moment then looked back up, "you need to run as soon as we go. Promise me."

Olive nodded, "I promise. You need to go." She pushed Everly towards a pedestal as tears filled her eyes. 

Everly quickly turned round and pulled her into a tight embrace. She rested her head on her shoulder. "I'll miss you." She sniffed.

Olive let go of her and slotted the chains over her head. She nodded, agreeing with her, "who wouldn't?" Everly forced a smile through her tears and wiped them away with her sleeve. She walked in and looked back at Olive as the glass doors closed around her. 

As the timer started counting down, Peacekeepers flocked into the room and went straight to Olive. Everly raised her hands and pounded against the glass, "OLIVE. OLIVE!" She screamed.

Olive looked up at her and made eye contact with her as one of the Peacekeepers brought out a gun. "Long live the Mockingjay." She mouthed before a loud shot sounded and she flopped to the ground. Her arm was reached out on the floor and in her hand she held a Mockingjay pin.

All of a sudden the pedestal lifted and Everly squinted her eyes as the harsh light stabbed her eyes. When she opened them, she looked around the arena at a lush jungle that surrounded the cornucopia. The cornucopia itself was surrounded by water and rocks. She tried to find Finnick but realised he was probably on the other side. In the corner of her eye, she spotted Katniss a few people away from her. She looked distraught and tear marks stained her face. She nodded slightly at her before getting ready to dive.

"3,2,1." She quickly dove into the icy cold water and swam over to the cornucopia. She was one of the first to reach it after Finnick and Katniss. She grabbed a pair of knives and began to make her way over to them. Finnick had her back to her and she heard him say, "Duck." to Katniss.

She forcefully threw her knife at the tribute Finnick was talking about and ran past them saying, "run now, talk later."

As she made her way towards the sand that surrounded the water, she saw Peeta thrashing in the water fighting with another tribute and he wasn't looking good.  She looked to Finnick and gestured towards Peeta. He rolled his eyes and gave her his trident. Then dove into the water. Minutes later, him and Peeta resurfaced and Everly and Katniss met them at the edge of the water.

Everly threw Finnick his trident as he walked out of the water. "Come on." Katniss ordered as she hugged Peeta and started leading him towards the jungle.

Everly started to move towards the jungle but Finnick pulled her back into him and brought her into a soft kiss. They rested their foreheads together and Everly looked up at him, "What was that for?"

He laughed and grabbed her hand, walking over to the entrance to the jungle, "I missed you."

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