The Market

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"I'm ready." Everly shouted down the stairs as she walked out of her bedroom wearing a short sleeved kharki shirt, a short black skirt, black tights and dark brown heeled boots. She had put her hair into a high ponytail and wore no earrings. On her neck, she wore a silver necklace that had a small rose attached to it.
"Finally." Jess got up from one of the chairs around the breakfast bar and headed towards the door putting her hand onto the silver doorknob. Everly rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at her as she walked down the stairs. She picked up a small black bag that was hanging from the end of the banister and slung it round her shoulders. Jess opened the door and stepped out into the bright sunshine with Everly following her and closing the door behind her. Jess started walking towards the exit to the Victors village and wondered out of it and into the busy center of District five.

But, as Everly reached the edge she paused and looked around. She looked back at her house and then at the scene in front of her.
"Remember to smile. Everyone will love it." Marius crouched down to her height so his heavily made up face was in level with hers. She nodded slowly. He looked at her with a forced smile before pinching her check. "Good girl." He stood up and went to the doors of the train and stood beside Charlie. Once the doors had opened, he walked through with an exaggerated smile and gestured for Charlie to follow her. Everly just stood there shaking until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Clara looking at her with a smile but a genuine one this time.
"Go get them kid. Show them the victor of the 66th Hunger games." She pushed her forward slightly and through the doors.

All at once, she could hear people calling her name and could see the flashing of cameras around her. She shyly walked forward playing with her hands. She stopped and flashed a sweet smile at the citizens of the Capitol and waved slightly. They went wild, all trying to catch her attention before she was whisked away into a huge building

She took a deep breath before stepping out into the bustling crowd. She watched the little children play hopscotch to the side of the market square and laughed when one of them accidently threw a rock into the window of the bakers. As she walked on she passed all the stores she used to visit when she was little and before the games. She walked past the fountain that her and Jess used to throw coins in. She walked past the school she used to go to. Through the windows she could see children reading and writing.

She stopped walking once she reached the entrance to a run down barn like building. It's doors were open wide and you could see the small stores and their owners. She slowly stepped forward and walked in. She headed towards a certain direction, she knew where she was going to go. A store with small selection of many different things came into view. Inside it was an old lady, her face was plastered with wrinkles, her hair was grey and barely there.

She spotted Everly and smiled at her brightly. She hurried out of the store and met Everly with a huge hug "Oh my darling child. Look how much you've grown" She pulled back from the hug and cupped Everly's face in her hand. Wiping away a tear with her thumb. "What made you come out?"

"It's time that I get myself together and here's the place to start."

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