The parade

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A young Everly was standing on the roof gazing into the Capitol. Looking at the busy streets, the lights and the funny hair dos. She breathed in as she thought about what Jess was doing and how her mother was. If anyone was watching and worrying about her. Who would? After all she's just the strange girl from District Five.

"I like to come up to think as well. It eases your thoughts." She turned sharply and was shocked to see a boy no more than two years older than her standing behind her. He was tall with toned muscles, his hair was golden, his eyes were dark green and he was quite tanned. Everly recognised him as Finnick Odair.

"What makes you think that I'm thinking?" She questioned him as he stood next to her looking out into the Capitol.

He shrugged "You have a distant look in yours eyes. So obviously I'm going to think your thinking."

"Great observations. Anything else you need to tell me?" She remarked sarcastically.

"Finnick Odair at your service Miss Blight." He charmingly smiled at her.

She looked at him with raised eyebrows "Oh so your a stalker now too."

He shook his head slightly and laughed "No. Not quite. I just like to know a lot about beautiful things."

She scoffed "You do realise I'm thirteen right."

He nodded "Of course I do. Doesn't mean I can't get to know you."

"Really. Well I'm about to be sent to my death so what's the point." She stepped away from him and started to head towards the lift.

"Trust me when I say I'm not the only one who think's your extraordinary."

She rolled her eyes "Whatever."

"Click. Click. Click. Click." James sat at the table nervously clicking a pen.

"Will you stop. Please. I need to think." Everly shouted from where she sat next to him waiting to be called to get ready for the parade. She was still in her dress from earlier as she thought there was no point in her changing.

"You're on edge. What's wrong?" He looked at her in concern.

She sighed bringing her knees up onto her chair "I'm worried about him. Only one of us is getting out and I know he'll try to kill himself to help me. But, I don't want him too. I want him to be safe."

James just stared at her for a while before saying "You really do love him then."

She nodded "Yeah. Yeah I do." She whispered.

Suddenly the door was slammed open to reveal Marius. In yet another new wig but it was gold with a few silver strands. His face was still made up and the suit that he wore was white and grey.

"Come on darlings. You need to get ready." He clapped his hands and rushed them out of the room.

After being waxed more then she could count and after her make up being done. Everly was walked into a dark room.

"It's good to see you again Evie. Though I wish it was under different circumstances." Olive walked in wish her arms wide open for a hug. She was average. Like someone from the Districts. She was mixed race and wore no makeup, no wigs, no extravagant clothes.

"I never thought I'd be going back in." Everly pulled away.

"No one did." Olive looked at her in sympathy. "But. We do still have to get you ready. Come on." Olive pulled her over to a slightly raised platform and gave her a hand to step onto it. "So this year I wanted to make it special. No wires and definitely no pieces of metal. I think you'll like it. Close your eyes."

Everly closed her eyes as she felt a light silky fabric being placed over her.

"Open your eyes." Olive whispered.

She opened her eyes and looked in the mirror. Her wore hardly any makeup. It was just natural. Her hair was some up some down. She was in a light grey dress that had two straps that went over her shoulders, it had a ribbon around the waist and the skirt was made of many pieces that flowed around and curled slightly. Around her neck on display was the small silver rose necklace. Everly looked to Olive with tears in her eyes.

"She would love it." She breathed.

Olive nodded and walked over to her wiping away the tears from her eyes before placing her hands on her shoulders. "Go make her proud and win."

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