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The sun was rising in district 5. The birds were chirping, and electrical cables were buzzing as everyone got up to continue with their repetitive, dull lives. To the south of the District, near the borders, were a few small hills that were covered in grass and bright flowers. It seemed to be the only bright part in the lives of the citizens in District 5.

On the top of the hill, a young girl was stood watching the sunset. Her eyes were a striking green and she had dirty blonde hair. Even underneath the bags under her eyes and the tiredness of her face, she looked in her early twenties. But, her eyes told stories of tales to be read and mysterious to be uncovered. Her stance was guarded, like prey expecting it predator to jump out at any moment.  In her hand she fiddled with a small, silver dog tag which was labelled 'Unbreakable'. She wore a baggy burgundy jumpy with black jeans and black boot.

"Nightmare again?" She sighed tiredly and turned to her sister her head pointed slightly towards the ground.

"It just seems so real Jess. It always does. It's like being there where everything went wrong. Yours and mum's lives could've been so much easier." Jess had pale skin with dull brown eyes and dark brown hair she worked from home sewing and selling stuff for money even though the money from Everly's winning payed for everything. She shook her head slightly, calmly walking next to her putting her hand on her shoulder.

"But their not and mums gone. But, not because of you. Because of the Capitol. You had no control over what happened. Even so, you need to talk to someone, E. Please, you can't lock everyone out but me and Finnick."

"That's where you're wrong." Jess turned to her confused. "I don't lock them out. They just can't find the key. And I made a choice which was the wrong one to take." She pulled away from her but reached out for her hand gently picking it up. "I don't think I deserve this anymore." She walked away down the hill, her head bobbing up and down out of view.

Jess felt something cool in her hand and unclosed her fist. To see the dog tag that her sister had worn for so long for it was what she was until now 'Unbreakable'.

She held the dog tag in front of her face. and for a few minutes she just stayed there. Just looking and thinking. Until, she found the answer. Smiling softly to herself, she brought the tag back into her hand that wrapped around it like a vice refusing to let go and started to run after her with hope shining in her once dull eyes. As she raced after her.

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