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In the woods past the fences and out of reach from Capitol. Everly stood knives in hand and readied herself.

"Thud" "Everly." "Thud" "Everly. HELP!" "Thud."

"AAAAAHHHHH!" She screamed dropping to the floor. Knife if her hand.

"What's your weapon of choice?" The 13-year-old didn't reply and just continued eating slowly.

"What's wrong kid. Cat got your tongue..." She was interrupted by a knife whizzing past her fast. She looked to see Everly's hand in the air and behind her the knife was jammed in the gap of the door. She looked at the girl surprised but she continued eating.

"What?" She stopped "You asked what my weapon of choice is."


"Everly...Everly...Everly." She sprung up and tackled the person whose voice had spoken and pressed the knife to their throat. She looked down.

"Finnick? Why are you here I thought you had some 'business' in the capitol." He chuckled as she got off him and stood up wiping the dust off her jeans.

"Yeah. I do. But I thought I'd give my favourite person a visit." She gave him a hand that he took and pulled him up.

"I hardly think I'm your favourite person after attacking you with a knife to your throat." She gestured to the knives that were wedged into the trees around them and started to collect them all.

"It's all part of being friends with you." He too walked over to the knives. But once he reached one and tried to pull it out, he failed miserably as it was stuck right in the tree. Everly watched him repeatedly try to pull out the knife with a grin on her face.

"You alright there?" He jumped at the sound of her voice and leaned casually against the tree.

"Yeah, what would make you say I wasn't?" She smirked and started walking towards him and leaned in.

"You seem a bit. Stuck." She whispered in his ear and reached her hand up to the side of his head. "But if you say so. You're fine." She stepped back and held her hand up showing the knife that was stuck in the tree that was behind him. Throwing it lightly to him and walking away with a smirk on her face.

Finnick caught the knife and sighed red in the face. He twirled the knife around in his hand. "You can come out now Jess."

She sighed and stepped out from behind a tree leaves in her hair and clothes. "She really likes you. You Know."

He sighed "There's too much going on for her. I don't want to add another thing to her plate." He jogged of after Everly, knife still in his hand.

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