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"You coming or not?" Everly walked out of the bathroom with her hair ringing wet and her pyjamas still on. She tapped the book Clara was reading and smiled innocently when she looked up at her in annoyance. She sat on the sofa next to her and looked around, "where's Finnick?"

"They already took him to get ready."

Everly nodded, "I guess I'll be going soon to." She whispered and they sat in silence.

Clara sighed, "I should be the one going in there, not you."

Everly put her hand on her shoulder and shook her head, "No you shouldn't. You have a family, a husband and children. I don't have that."

Clara smiled softly, "yeah you do," she picked up a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to her, "Finnick gave it to me before he left. He thought something like this would happen."

Everly smiled to herself then she looked at Clara, "I'm guessing you've already read it."

"What can I say? I'm a curious person. But seriously though, it's really sweet.

"Trust me I know, he's always been like that with notes."

Everly limped back to the cave she was in before and sat on the cold stone floor. She stared at the ashes of the fire from the night before and grabbed her jacket from the floor. As she went to put it on, she heard a soft crunching noise and she reached into the inside pocket to find a folded piece of paper. "Everly" was written on the front of it in black pen. She quickly unfolded it and smiled softly as the read the letter.
Dear Evie,
I just wanted to let you know that so many people are rooting for you. They think you're amazing, which isn't really hard to see why, I'm sure you'll have loads of sponsors trying to help bring you home.
Everyone needs you to come home, Clara, your family and me. You've become my best friend in this last week and I want to get to know you more and share more moments together.
But who am I kidding. Of course you're going to come back. What would the world be like without it's Unbreakable tribute from District 5.
Just stay safe Evie. Ok.
Love from your favourite stalker
Ps: don't ask how I got the letter into your pocket. I'll explain when you get out.
Everly looked at Clara, "what do you think's going to happen."
Clara thought for second before replying, "I don't know. But I hope everything turns out okay."

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