First watch

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"Hey Everly. You okay?" Jess walked over to her and placed her hand gently on her shoulder.

"Yeah." Everly turned around with panic in her young eyes.

Jess looked at her in concern, "you having nightmares again?" Everly looked down at her lap and played with her fingers. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. You've been through horrors Eve. No one could come out of that unscathed." Jess crouched down in front of her.

" You sound like mum. "Everly giggled quietly.

" I do not! " Jess looked at her horrified. She turned around and looked at Josh who came in a few moments before, "do I?"

Josh laughed and looked at Everly in amusement, "What did she say?"

Everly straightened her posture and cleared her throat, " just let the horror you've witnessed scarred you for life blah blah blah anyone else would try and die in a hole."

Josh nodded and looked at Jess, "yeah you do sound like your mum."

Jess scowled at him, "you're meant to be on my side." She pushed him slightly.

He put his hands up in surrender, "sorry. But Eve is right," he rubbed her shoulders lightly with his hands, "it's not a bad thing though." She rolled her eyes at him playfully and smiled.

"Evie. You okay." Finnick gently took her hand in his.
"Hmmm. Oh yeah," she said absentmindedly as they continued walking through the lush jungle.
"I think we should stop here," Finnick called out to Katniss and Peeta. They nodded and Peeta sat down on the ground, "I'll take first watch." He continued.
Katniss shook her head in disagreement, "no I'll take it."
Finnick picked up his trident and stood towering above her, "You see back there that was me saving Peeta's life. If I wanted to kill you both I would've done it by now."
"Why don't you both just get over it and take the first watch together," Peeta called out from where he sat on the ground.
Everly nodded in agreement and raised her eyebrows expectantly at Finnick. He sighed in frustration, "fine."

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