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"Everly. Everly wake up."

"Everly get out of you're bed or I'll get Finnick to come and get you."

"What's it like back at your District?" Everly looked at Rose whilst she was painting her hand. Rose looked up and stopped painting as if thinking or daydreaming about her home. She got up from the floor and sat on the chair next to Everly.

"Well. It's dull I guess and," She took a breath, "wherever you look someone's starving. We don't get much help from the Capitol. I have to go hunting with my dad sometimes that's how much we need money. We take my little sister with us sometimes. What about Five?"

"I guess it's the same but less awful. Everywhere is dull and rundown. But there's sometimes you forget. Like when it's Christmas or someone's birthday everyone celebrates. Then there's a hill. It's amazing me and my sister Jess go there to get away from everything.

Rose eyes shined as she imagined Everly's home, "It sounds amazing."

Everly smiled and nodded, "It is." They sat in silence for a while. Until Everly spotted a silver necklace hanging from Rose's neck that had a small rose on it. "Who gave you that?" She pointed to it.

Rose smiled softly "My sister."

"What's her name?"

"Katniss." She started to paint again, "she's a fighter, when we go out into the woods. She's amazing with a bow. Then there's my other sister. Primrose. She's only small but she's beautiful and the most joyful little girl I've met. What's Jess like?"

"You could say she's like most people in our District. Hardworking. She try's to be older than she is. I guess we both do. Sometimes people forget we're only thirteen. But she never hurt someone. That' the difference between us."

Rose looked up at her again "Are you twins?"

"No, I'm about to turn fourteen and she turned thirteen the day I went in. Besides my mum had us with different men."

"Not to be rude but how did she be with two different men within a year?"

Everly shook her head "It's fine. My dad died when he tried to rebel. He was executed in public. My mum married another man because she thought that I needed a father and she had Jess. But he died about a year ago. He was terribly ill and died after two months."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be." She sighed, "I was never close to him anyway. He didn't like me. Said I went against orders too much." She stood up. "You coming?"

Everly nodded and got up from her chair and they walked side by side to lunch.

"Oh my God!" Everly rushed out of her bed and quickly put on her training clothes on. She tied her hair in a high ponytail and ran out of her room nearly crashing into Finnick. Who caught her by the waist.

"Where are you going?" He looked down at her.

"I have to sort something out." She kissed him lightly and step out of his arms and continued to run.

"I'll see you in training?" He called after her. He went to sit down on the sofa.

"Yeah." She shouted back from the lift.

She pressed the twelve button and it started to go up. She started to play with her hands and she looked nervously around the lift "Breath Everly. You have to do this for Rose."

The doors opened and Everly hurried out knocking on the door. Haymitch opened the door and looked at her questioningly. "Can I talk to Katniss. Please."

He nodded and walked back into the apartment to go and find her. After a few minutes Katniss came into view and walked towards Everly looking at her in concern "Is there something wrong Everly?" She asked her.

Everly hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realise it was you." She started sobbing into her shoulder. The younger woman hugged her back.

"But you still looked out for me and her. That's enough." She whispered into her ear.

Everly pulled back from their hug and smiled at her fondly "She'd be so proud of you, you know."

Katniss smiled back "She'd be proud of both of us."


500 reads! Thanks so much! Honestly it's had way more views then I thought it would ever have. Hope you liked this chapter.

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