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Darkness. That's all Everly could see. But she could hear Finnick's voice calling out to here amongst it. She didn't know whether she imagining it, if she was dead or if she was just sleeping. She slowly opened her eyelids and the sun blared in or what she thought was the sun. She looked around her to see clean white tiled walls and a white metal door in front of her mocking her. She sat up and looked around confused. Then she saw him.
"Am I dead or am I just insane because I can't imagine you of all people in heaven President Snow." Everly got up and walked over to the old man. 
He just grinned smugly at her as he watched her walk over to him, "They think you're dead Miss Blight."
Her eyes widened and she grabbed the collar of his white suit, "What the hell have you done?" She spat venomously into his face. 
He didn't reply and a few seconds later Peacekeepers came bounding in restraining her from laying a hand on him. They beat her and bruised her until she was on her knees begging for mercy. 
She was left broken , on her own, lost on the floor in a shrivelled heap covered in crimson blood as a reminder of what she was. The unbreakable was now broken.   

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