~ Chapter 1 ~

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"Master Zhong,  a letter for you," his Butler, spoke, handing the boy a white letter with a pink colored wax stamp, with a small flower printed on it. 

"What's this for?" Chenle asked

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"What's this for?" Chenle asked.

"I have no idea, but I think you should open it and find out," his butler said, bowing 90 degrees, before dismissing himself out of Chenle's bedroom. 

"Hello, my name is In Joon, well, that is my superhero name. I guess you can say that. I know about your powers, Zhong Chenle, and I want you to come over to Seoul, South Korea, for a while. It might be a good idea to put your powers into use. 

Not to mention, you are not the only one who has powers! There are other people who have different powers, but they are going to be arriving in Seoul, soon! It's best if you move in, you'll love it here, so you don't have to go from place to place.

Thank you, and I appreciate it if you come, we are trying to put down the evil, there are many things happening in Korea, thanks a lot!

- In Joon

P.S I know someone you might recognize here in Korea, I know you will miss them! "

"Hm.... I guess, this sounds convincing," Chenle said, already booking a flight to Korea.



Mark was staring at the opened letter, his mind was thinking about something.

"HOLY FUCK! THAT MEANS I CAN MEET WENDY OF RED VELVET!" the Canadian boy said, booking a long flight (by Taeyong) from Canada to South Korea. 


In Korea...

"The fuck is this bitch?" Donghyuck said, looking at the letter. 

"Oh, welp, IDC, tbh, It's just free clout anygays," Donghyuck muttered to himself, as he dried his hair after a long shower. 


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