~ Chapter 10 ~

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Jaemin was sitting down, playing on his phone, when he looked up to stare into the distance, and he saw Renjun appear in front of him. 

"Is this seat taken?" Renjun asked with a warm and welcoming grin. 

"No, it isn't, you can sit," Jaemin said, smiling back at the boy. 

"Oh okay, good," Renjun said, sitting down. 

The waitress came over, taking both of their orders, then returned 5 minutes later with their drinks. Renjun took a sip from his hot drink, as Jaemin did the same.

The atmosphere was almost awkward, but it was interrupted by the other talking people in the background of the cafe. The bustling streets filled with people and cars. 

"So, do you want to tell me about the 2nd mission?" Renjun asked.

"Not really," Jaemin said, avoiding the gaze of Huang Renjun.

"I will find out anyway, it's better telling me to get it off of your chest," Renjun said, caressing Jaemin's hand. 

Jaemin sighed and decided to tell his story to Renjun. 

"It went like this..."


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