~ Chapter 4 ~

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It was After School, Jaemin, Donghyuck Chenle were finished touring the school, Jaemin was showing the other two the places at the school. 

Jaemin, Donghyuck, and Chenle decided to hang out at Chenle's big mansion. It was around 7, and the three were having dinner that was prepared by Chenle's butler.

(Chenle went to Korea, taking his butler and his dog.)

They were almost finished when they received a loud notification from each of their phones.

"Oh, we have to go now! Please prepare a snack when we get back!" Chenle said, waving at his butler.

His Butler is aware of anything and everything of Chenle, and Chenle trusts him. The butler never spoke nor told anyone about Chenle's secrets. Like the time he ****** ******* ******** ****** ********** ******.

Donghyuck, Jaemin, and Chenle put on their masks, as they dashed, jumping from building to building towards the location. The location was near a bar, and Renjun just so happened to be nearby. Following, and watching, keeping a certain female safe, just under his watch.

Haechan, jumped down, tapping the man on the shoulder.

"Hey, long time no see girlfriend!" Haechan said, walking up to the girl, getting rid of the man's harsh grip.

He saw the vision. (They are all made up bad hoomans)

Man: Hak Young-Hwan

Past: Went to jail for 1 month, for attempted assault on a woman. 

"Who is this?" Haechan asked the girl.

"Um, my ex-boyfriend," she replied in a shaky voice.

"Oh...," Haechan said, his expression changed.

"Jin Rak, now," a voice behind the ex-couple and Haechan said.

Jin Rak, opened a portal, taking out handcuffs. (Kinky) Then, suddenly, the man, Young-Hwan was pinned down to the ground by, no other, by NaNa.

"Here," Jin Rak, said, throwing the cuffs to NaNa, who caught them and arrested him.

Haechan reassured the girl, asking her any questions if he needed to walk her home or anything. 

"Yah, who are you?" a voice spoke.

Three other males, were on top of a roof, carrying weapons with them.

"And, who are you?" Haechan asked cheekily. 

"We asked first," a black-haired male said, staring right into Haechan's eyes.

Haechan snapped his fingers and smirked at the male.

"Nice try, lion, but that trick doesn't work on me," Haechan said winking. 

"Haechan, stop with the chit chat, the police are here," Nana said, pulling up the man to the police officers.

"GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF OF ME!" Young-Hwan yelled.

Nana stuck the middle finger up, sticking out his tongue. 

"It was only dirty, from trying to get you to bend down, the way I like it," Nana replied, winking at the criminal.

JinRak looked confused.

"What do you mean by bending down?" Jin Rak asked, unaware of what was going on.

"Do not corrupt the poor child!!" Renjun ran in, covering Chenle's ears.

"He is too precious!" Renjun said.

"Whatever, honey, I'll walk you home, it's not safe here," Haechan said, assuring the girl, who nodded, walking with Haechan.

"Welp, I guess see you next time," Jin Rak said waving at the three boys in an adorable manner.

"Come on, I wasted too much energy," Nana said, walking with his arm around the younger.

"Alright, I'll call my butler to call Haechan," Jin Rak spoke. 


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