~ Chapter 3 ~

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Donghyuck woke up on the wrong side of the bed, by that, I meant the floor.

"Fuck," Donghyuck said, groggily getting up.

He checked his phone, he had 30 minutes before school starts.

"Here is where your school is! Be there at 7:30, before you will become tardy!!


Donghyuck scans over the text message and started to go ready. He didn't really know what to expect in that school.


"Hi, Jaeminnie!" Chenle said, running up to hug the older boy.

"Hi, you ready for school?" Jaemin asked.

"I'm a tiny nervous, hope it goes well!" Chenle spoke in his kind of broken Korean.

"I'm a bit nervous, hopefully, it goes well? Yea, hopefully," Jaemin said.

"Hopefully?" Chenle asked.

"Yea, it's xi (first sign) wang (second sign)," Renjun said, popping out of nowhere.

(HOPEFULLY, Google Translate got the translation right, because I'm a disgrace to Guang Dong.)

"Oh, so it's hopefully?" Chenle said.

"Yeah, it is," Jaemin said nodding.

Then, the bell rang. Chenle walked to his first class, according to the schedule that was given to him. He saw Donghyuck in the hallways, the two waved at each other before going into their own class. 

Chenle was like a year younger than Donghyuck and Jaemin, but the school system, made him be in the same grade as Park Jisung. His Childhood friend, when he had visited Korea. 

It's been 8 years, and the memories were only just barely there. 


"New Student, please come up and introduce yourself," the teacher said. 

Chenle, who was waiting at the back of the classroom, he quietly walked up towards the board, where writing was written on it.

"Mr. Qian," it read.

Chenle faced the class, and he breathed in and out, beginning to introduce himself.

"Hello, I'm Zhong Chenle, nice to meet you, I just moved here from China," Chenle said, in a warm smile. 

Chenle bowed in front of the class, hearing murmurs flooding across the room. Chenle ignored them and looked at Mr. Qian. 

"Sit at that empty seat, while I'll go get you a new workbook," Mr. Qian said, walking out of the classroom.

Chenle walked to the back, where the empty seat stood, Chenle quietly sat down, and waited. Some students were staring at the poor boy, giving him anxiety. 

"Guys, stop staring, can't you see he is nervous already?" a deep voice spoke, which sounded familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

Chenle looked at the person, who spoke, his facial features reminded him of someone, but he decided not to bother with it. Mr. Qian walked in, handing the boy a workbook, about Korean...


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