~ Chapter 8 ~

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"Hey! Donghyuck, right?" a voice called out to the boy in the hallways.

Donghyuck turned around, and he saw a boy, it was Mark.

"Oh, yeah, what is it?" Donghyuck asked the older.

"Wanna hang out after school? Bring your friends along," Mark said.

"Okay, where should we meet?"Donghyuck asked the older male.

"Um, by the gates! We won't take too long, don't worry," Mark said, walking away

"Alright," Donghyuck said.


After School...

Donghyuck and Jaemin were waiting just for a few minutes until they saw Chenle and Jisung walking together. 

"Oh, hey hyungs," Chenle said.

"Finally, took you two long enough," Jaemin joked.

"Oh hey!" Mark yelled, running towards the group, with Jeno.

"Oh, hey," Donghyuck said. 

"Let's go," Jeno said, smiling his pretty eye smile. 

They walked to the mall, they were all talking about something. 

"Hey, Mark, have you heard about the NCity heroes?" Chenle asked the older.

"Yeah, I heard they were pretty cool," Mark said.

"I saw one of them, I think one of them is called Nana, he was pretty cute," Jeno butted in.

Jaemin blushed when he overheard their conversation. 

"I thought J.P was cute," Chenle said.

Jisung suddenly felt his body temperature raise up, damn if he can't raise his grade and put them up for adoption, he probably would raise his body temperature instead. 

(He ain't wrong ^)

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(He ain't wrong ^)

They entered the mall, the first store they went to is the Hot Topic store. Haechan wanted to find an EXO key chain in a certain part of the store because he saw it before and never got it. 

Then, they walked into a K-POP store, looking through the selection. That's when they heard people screaming and getting down. They somehow split up, Jisung and Mark, Jeno and Jaemin, and Donghyuck and Chenle. 

"Alright, hurry up, our friends are in danger," Jisung whispered.

"Right," Mark said.

Chenle and Donghyuck were somehow near the shooter, they couldn't move. Why? If they see you, they shoot under no circumstances

Jeno and Jaemin went to a safe place in the mall, hearing gunshots. 

"Let's stay here, okay Jaemin," Jeno whispered.

Jaemin clutched onto Jeno, tears started to fall. They can use their powers without their costumes, but it is dangerous for Jeno and Jaemin to use it in front of each other. Jeno ended up hugging Jaemin like a little baby. 

The door opened, the two were in the bathroom, in the stalls. Footsteps were heard.

The stall was opened. BANG. Another. BANG. Another.

It was their stall next. BANG. No one was there. 

Jaemin teleported them into another stall. And another, until the shooter walked away.

Before they split up on accident, Jaemin still had Jisung's teleportation power from the last mission and hadn't swapped powers.

It was silent for a little bit until Jeno spoke first.

"You have powers?" Jeno asked.

"Y-yea," Jaemin mumbled, with his head buried in Jeno'sshoulder.

"What kind?" Jeno asked calmly, in a whisper as he rubbed circles on his back.

"Um, I copy other people's powers," Jaemin said.

"Oh really? Then, Nana, you still have them from Jisung's?" Jeno said, in a calm tone. 

Jaemin looked at Jeno, who softly smiled at him.

"How did you know..?" Jaemin said.

"It's me, Nono," Jeno said

Jaemin thought for a bit, and realized, Nono was just Jeno without the 'Je' part in the front and was added with an extra, 'no ' at the end.

Jaemin went back, hugging Jeno tightly, just waiting for their friends.

Back to Chenle and Haechan...

"Hey brats," J.P yelled. 

The shooters had already started shooting. Jisung and Mark bounced from place to place, avoiding the bullets. That's when Haechan realized as he touched the bullet cap.

The bullets weren't bullets, bullets. They were magically bullets, killing a person at an instant. 

Haechan focused, then he snapped both of his fingers. The bullets disappeared, so did the gun.

The quickly tried to find the ammo, but there wasn't anymore. They had nothing left. Cops came flooding in, as soon it became clear. J.P and Mark went over to find survivors. Chenle popped his head up, J.P noticed his baby features.

J.P ran over to check on Chenle.

Chenle just started to bawl in front of J.P like a baby, J.P held the boy, telling him that it was okay, and he is safe in his arms. Donghyuck looked at them, smiling and shipping them. 

Mark went, and detransformed, and ran to Donghyuck.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Mark asked in a worried manner. 

"I-I'm fine, it was really scary," Donghyuck said, suddenly hugging Mark.  

Mark hugged the younger back, and they saw Jeno and Jaemin running to them. Jisung also came running, and they went home. 


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