~ Chapter 7 ~

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Chenle was at school, the next day, he really had a lot of work.

"Hey, you need help?" A voice said.

"Huh?" Chenle looked up, and he saw a boy.

"Yeah, I do...?"

"Jisung, Park Jisung," the boy smiled.

"Wait... That sounds familiar...," Chenle spoke.

"Lele?" Jisung spoke.

"Sungie?" Chenle replied.

Then, the two bursted out laughing.

"I missed you, idiot," Chenle said playfully hitting Jisung on the shoulder.

"Me too, anyways, you need help, right?" Jisung said.

"Yeah," Chenle said, smiling.


The two states after school, Jisung helping Chenle with his homework and classwork.  They stayed till it was five, Jisung offered to walk Chenle home, but Chenle respectfully declined. 

Chenle was walking home, crossing the street, and the sign turned into the white walking person sign. A car was going a 60 in a 25, swerving around. Cops were behind, chasing the car down.

Chenle heard but checked his phone for any notifications. None.


The car crashed into another car, Chenle felt as if someone was carrying him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw J.P.

"Hey, you okay?" J. P  spoke putting down the boy.

Chenle realized that he was on the other side of the street.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine," Chenle said.

"You are P.J, right? One of the Killarz? I saw you guys on the news on time... oh! with the NCity Heros, right?" Chenle said.

"Um, yeah, you know me?" J.P asked.

"Yeah, you were one of those that stood out," Chenle replied with a smile. 

"o-Oh? Reolli?" J.P said. 

"Yeah, anyway, don't you have superhero-ie things to do?" Chenle said. 

"Uh, right, I'll see you, kiddo," J.P said,  disappearing into thin air. 

"Wait...he is older than me?" Chenle thought.

(Nope, not even close honey)


Donghyuck walked into the room, umping over the couch head to sit down.

"Go to the news!" Donghyuck instructed.

They turned to the news broadcast, Killarz was on the news.

"Killarz, are they good? Are they bad?

They have been spotted with dangerous weapons, but are they for the better of Soeul or not?" The news reporter spoke.

"Well, I don't know, we don't know what they do," Jaemin said.

"Yeah, but-," Chenle said, before getting interrupted.

A notification popped open.

"Come on guys, Let's use my portal," Chenle spoke.

(Let's travel to the Seoul Art Museum)

"Look, it's the Killarz!" One of the robbers spoke.

"Yeah, and we are here to get you for sinning," Nono spoke.

"Oh, hey sunshine," Minhyung spoke.

"It's Haechan," Haechan rolled his eyes.

"Oh no, there is more," the other robber spoke.

Jin Rak smiled, walking into a portal, behind them, kicking one of them through the manhood.

"I hope you never reproduce," Jin Rak smirked.

J.P teleported, stabbing one of the guys, white sparkling particles slowly disappeared off the body.

The other robber took advantage, wrapping Jin Rak in a chokehold, holding a gun to Chenle's head.

"Jin Rak!" Haechan yelled.

"Put your weapons down, and he won't get hurt," the robber said.

Another robber went up, holding a gun to Chenle's other side of the head.

At this point, Chenle is trapped, he can't use the portal, he is being in a chokehold.

"J.P! Come here, I need to discuss with you," Jaemin said smirking.

Nana and J.P were in a corner.

"Let me teleport with you, just give me your hand," Nana whispered.

J.P pulled his hand out, Nana held it for a little bit and smirked.

"You teleport to the one who is choking holding Jin, Ingot for the other one, make sure they don't fire," Jaemin whispered.

J.P nodded. They teleported, behind them, kicking them in the shin. J.P ripped the gun out, throwing it to Haechan. Nana did the same.

Jin Rak quickly walked out, into a portal, back to safety with Haechan.

J.P, shoved his blade down the robbers, making them slowly disappear.

"Let's go," J.P said, teleporting everyone, including Renjun, to Renjun's house.

A relief of sigh came from Jin Rak.

"Thanks, J.P," Chenle said.

"U-uh, no problem," Jisung replied.

"Also, thanks, Nana," Chenle said.

"Np Jinnie," Nana said rubbing the younger's head.

"Nana, this is a conversation, not texting," Haechan reminded.

"Whatever, come on, I want to binge movies at Jinnie's place!~" Nana spoke.

"Yah! We need to buy more popcorn! You are most of it last time!" Jin Rak yelled.

"That was Haechan!" Nana yelled.

"That was me!" Haechan said, making the three giggle.

The Killarz, watched them, smiling like idiots, (except J.P because he likes Chenle)


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