~ Chapter 36 ~

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Jisung felt a lot better and finally attended school again. Jisung was finally himself again. 

Jisung and Chenle's seats were almost always together, but Jisung just focused in class. He was taking notes, raising his hand, and he wasn't messing around. 

Chenle stayed on the quiet side, on occasions, he would look at Jisung to make sure if he was alright, and he always was. 

During lunch, when the table was already crowded, he still sat next to Chenle. He ignored Chenle occasionally but made sure to include him in conversations. 

If you are wondering why he was okay now, was because he realized that he still was Chenle's superhero boyfriend, he can always spend time with Chenle and be close to him at any time, it didn't have to be at school. 

It was the passing period, in the last period.

"Jisung, are you okay?" Chenle asked.

"Yeah, why?" Jisung questioned the boy. 

"I was worried," Chenle said. 

"Thanks for worrying for me, but don't worry, I'm fine," Jisung said, ruffling Chenle's hair before walking to class.

It made Chenle feel regret, sadness, and guilt. He misses his best friend already. Jisung moved on too fast for Chenle to catch up. 

They went to class, Jisung was being a good student once again, Chenle, on the other hand, was quiet. Chenle didn't know this, but Jisung wold stare at the older when he got the chance. 


"Baby..." Chenle muttered when he saw his boyfriend.

"Baby, when are you sad?" J.P asked his boyfriend.

"I regret stopping our friendship so much," Chenle said, as tears began falling down.

"Come here, and tell me," J.P said, pulling the older into a hug. 

"I-I miss everything about him, but he's changed so much, I don't know what to do," Chenle sobbed as J.P rubbed circles on his back. 

"You can either fix it or leave it like that. It's obvious that he was so heartbroken that he decided to change for himself, baby. You can't change anyone back, but it's possible," J.P said, in a soothing voice.

Chenle sobbed, receiving a few kisses from his boyfriend. After he had calmed down, Chenle and his boyfriend kissed for a long period of time before Chenle had to go home. 


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