~ Chapter 30 ~

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Haechan went into the police station, trying to help identify the suspect with Minhyung.

"Hm, let me check back with some of the evidence, you stay here, hyung," Haechan said, walking away.

Minhyung nodded, now that he is alone in the station with working officers, he literally has time in the world to think about his problems.

But you know, his problems are different, he was scared that Haechan would say no to his confession. But, what if he says yes? Does that mean that he, as Minhyung could literally date the love of his life? But what if Haechan is not what he expects if he dates him.

"Hyung? Hello...?" Haechan said, waving his hand over Minhyung's face.

"Huh? You were saying?" Minhyung asked.

"Oh, I was about to say, all of them don't look like the suspect at all," Haechan said.

"Oh really?" Mark asked.

"Maybe, hyung can you go ask if they have more suspects?" Haechan asked.

"Um, sure," Minhyung said.

"Thanks hyung," Haechan said.

Minhyung went over to the officers, and thought one of them looked awfully suspicious.

"Hey, um officers, do you know if you have more suspects on the list?" Minhyung asked.

"Um, of course, I need to see," the same Officer 1 said.

The officers wet to check in their stuff, while the suspicious one left to go do his things.

Minhyung went back to Haechan, and told him about the suspicious officer.

"Minhyung, how can an officer under the law commit a crime?" Haechan asked in disbelief.

"Well, it was my gut feeling, besides anybody can kill," Minhyung said, suddenly holding onto Haechan's hand.

"Fine, I'll believe you," Haechan said, letting go of Minhyung's grip.

"here are some of the other suspects, that's all we have," Officer 2 said.

"Thank you," Haechan said.

They spent the next few minutes, examining the suspects, and they had found another body. It was just a new fresh body, because of the blood. Minhyung got suspicious.

Minhyung looked around the area, and noticed the many security cameras.

"Hey, can I go access the security footage?" Minhyung asked.

"Sure," Officer 1 said.

"Haechannie, um, can you see what happened here?" Minhyung instructed the younger.

The officer and Minhyung went over the footage, and it captured an officer like person, who murdered the poor victim.

"May we use this as evidence?" Minhyung said, showing the officer, who was baffled.

"O-Of, course. Right away," The officer said, creating a USB copy, handing it to Minhyung.

"Thank you for your work," Minhyung said, bowing to the officer.

Minhyung went back, and he noticed that Haechan was frightened.

"Haechannie? You okay?" Minhyung said, pulling the younger into a hug.

"You're right...b-but t-the o-ffic-er is b-behind u-s, t-the o-one y-you suspected," Haechan stuttered as he whispered into Minhyung's ear.

"He can't hurt you, because I'm here," Minhyung said, suddenly giving Haechan kisses from his ear to his neck.

(Bold Move ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Mork )

The officers and detectives arrived at the scene, Minhyung held onto the USB, in case if it gets stolen. Not to mention, they need to interview the cop, since Minhyung told the officer about the other officer being the umber 1 suspect.


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