~ Chapter 40 ~

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Jeno and Jaemin were hanging out with their boyfriend, Renjun. It was like any other day.

They either make out, fuck, cuddle, or go on a date. Not to mention, to be couch potatoes.

"I feel bad for Chensung breaking up their friendship," Jeno said.

"I noticed how Chenle looked desperate and sad whenever he looked at Jisung," Jaemin said.

"And, Jisung looked fine," Renjun said.

"Do you think it's because Jisung is actually dating Chenle, but he doesn't know that?" Jeno asked his boyfriend.

"Yeah, I think so," Renjun said.

"Damn, Jeno is being smart. It's kinda hot," Jaemin said.

"OI, I'm right here," Renjun stared at his boyfriend.

"Chill, I love you too," Jaemin giggled.

Renjun pouted, but in the end, he received a ton of kisses from his two amazing boyfriends.


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