~ Chapter 35 ~

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Donghyuck felt bored without his boyfriend, his roommate was out to care for his mother, and his boyfriend was interviewing the suspect. 

Donghyuck sighed and received a call from Jisung.

"H-Hyung, c-can w-we talk?" Jisung asked, his voice was hoarse, and it sounded as if he was crying. 

"Of course, honey, do you know Mark's address?" Donghyuck asked.

"Yeah, why?" Jisung asked.

"I'm his roommate, so yeah, come over," Donghyuck said. 


A knock on the door was heard. Donghyuck checked the cameras to see if Jisung was there, and he was.

Donghyuck let the boy inside, his face was red, probably from crying. 

"Sit down, I'll make some tea," Donghyuck said.

Jisung sat down, and Donghyuck handed him a cup of tea. Jisung felt a little better after drinking it. 

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Donghyuck asked.

"Hyung, I messed up so badly," Jisung said, he sounded as if he tried not to cry.

"Tell me, honey," Donghyuck asked, in a soothing voice.

Jisung made sure that Donghyuck would promise him not to tell anyone. He later than explained that Chenle and he broke off their friendship. Explaining everything in detail.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Jisungie," Donghyuck said.

"I don't know how to face Chenle anymore," Jisung replied. 

"In hero form or..?" Donghyuck asked. 

"Both," Jisung sobbing.

"Aw, honey, come here," Donghyuck said, bringing Jisung to a hug.

Mark came back, and he asked Donghyuck what was going on.

"He had nobody to talk to, so he was talking to me, he has a lot going on," Donghyuck said, rubbing circles on Jisung's back as the boy sobbed harder. 

"Jisung, is this about Chenle?" Mark asked.

Jisung nodded, as Donghyuck's shirt started to become soaked in the maknae's tears.

"Face him when you are ready, alright?" Mark said, ruffling the younger's head. 

"Alright, thank you, hyungs," Jisung said, sobbing even more.


After Jisung left, Donghyuck changed his shirt and laid on Mark's shoulder.

"Hyung, do you think Jisung would be okay?" Donghyuck asked.

"He'll be fine, but I'm not sure anymore. He actually loves Chenle," Mark said.

"Wait, really? I feel so bad for him," Donghyuck said, who actually knows the full story. 

"Yea, I know," Mark said.


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