~ Chapter 9 ~

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(Sis when?! I thought it was Norenmin, but okay buddy... also Markhyuck is superior, fite me Jeno)

Chenle had the "weirdest dream", as he called it. He had a dream that J.P saved him, and they fell in love and got married. 

"Why the fuck would you have a dream like that?" Donghyuck asked.

"I don't know," Chenle said.

"Well, maybe it's because you like him," Jaemin suggested.

"No, that isn't possible, a hero? Likes me? Nah..." Chenle said, denying it.

(me denying the fact when I start thinking my crush likes me but tries to find the facts that if he likes me or not)

"Hey, guys, what are you guys talking about?" Mark asked, walking up to the group with Jeno and Jisung. 

"Oh, Chenle had a weird dream last night," Donghyuck said. 

"What was the dream, Chenle?"Jisung said, putting his lips on his water bottle as he started to drink water.

" I had a dream that J.P saved me and we fell in love and got married," Chenle spoke bluntly.

Jisung choked on his water, coughing a lot.

"Oh my god! Jisung, are you okay?" Chenle worried helped patted his back.

Mark and Jeno looked at each other, wide eye.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it went through the wrong hole, you know?" Jisung said, smiling, as he coughed a little bit afterward. 

"Oh, are you okay? Slowly drink your water then," Chenle said.

"Yeah, I know, thanks Chenle," Jisung said smiling. 


Mark was assigned to roam around the city, making sure the city was doing alright. 

Donghyuck was going to work in the cafe he had just applied to, and he went in, getting himself ready. He started to take orders for people, as the afternoon rush made it busy, since Highschoolers, Middle Schoolers mostly come into the cafe for studying or just hanging out. 

It was you know, the usual ordeal, until a mysterious man, wearing black walked up to the counter.

"Hello, may I take your order?" Donghyuck asked.

"Give me all of your money!" the person shouted, taking out a gun.

Donghyuck didn't raise his hands up as a normal person would. It scared everyone in the Cafe, especially the teenagers.

"Sir, that isn't what we serve," Donghyuck said, hoping he could buy some time as he saw Renjun outside the cafe, sending them in.


"Not really, only if you can actually see what's on the menu," Donghyuck said, as one of his co-workers mouthed, 'are you trying to fucking kill yourself?'

"He is right," A voice said, as Donghyuck smirked at the person behind the robber. 

"Sorry, was I late?" Minhyung said, staring at the robber, who was now, looking at Mark.

They stared for a long time when the robber had his own gun to his head. 

"WHY CAN'T I MOVE MY ARM?!" the robber yelled.

"Because you can't," Another hero came in.

"Hello, I'm Jin Rak, NCity Hero, at your service," Jin Rak said, bowing at the man.

"And, you are under arrest," Jin Rak said, winking at the big robber man, pulling out real cuffs from the portal.

"I bet those are fake," the robber mumbled.

"Oh, they are real, alright, especially magical ones," Jin Rak whispered under his breath.

Mark, who mind-controlled the man, the robber up his hands behind his back, so Jin Rak could cuff the big and hairy man. 

"ARUGH! WHY DO THEY BURN?" the big man yelled, scaring the teens even more.

"Oh, they aren't regular (huh?) cuffs, they are magical, I like that one, it slowly burns your wrists," another hero walked in, NoNo.

"Funny, you also thought they were fake," Nana, said, walking in through the cafe, with NoNo.

Donghyuck disappeared. 

"Well, the officers should be coming, I went over there a few seconds ago," J.P said, appearing out of thin air, next to Jin Rak. 

"This is disappointing, you just got defeated by the NCity Heros and the Killarz, such disappointment, like your grades when you were in high school," Haechan said, sassily walking in, as Police invaded after him. 

The man got arrested, and the cafe dismissed all of their co-workers. Some people stayed since police needed witnesses. Especially Donghyuck, of course, he detransformed somewhere else after that. 


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