~ Chapter 15 ~

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Jin Rak and J.P were in a specialized hospital room, so it was okay for their costumes to be off.  Chenle was the first to wake up, and he wanted to see J.P, he wanted to make sure he was okay, but the nurses didn't let him.

"Alright, I understand," Chenle said.

Haechan discharged Chenle, and the two went home.

Chenle was at school the next day, to find out that his best friend, Jisung wasn't in class. He called Mrs. Park, and she lied to the poor boy that Jisung was very sick, and he couldn't be seeing anyone at the moment.

Chenle felt sad, because he was bored in most of his classes, without his best friend.

Chenle heard from Renjun that J.P was also discharged, and Chenle wanted to go see him.

"J.P! I heard from the news, I was very worried for you," Chenle said, to the superhero.

"Oh, really?" He said, smiling.

"Yeah, at least knowing that you are fine made my whole day, I was really sad that my bestfriend, his name is Jisung, and he's mom said that he was extremely sick, I really wanted to visit him, but I couldn't," Chenle said, looking sad.

"Hey, cheer up, I'm sure he will be better tomorrow," J.P said, messing with Chenle's hair.

"Hopefully... Hey can I tell you about my amazing best friend? He is really cool once you meet him!" Chenle said.

"Yeah, of course," J.P said.

Chenle spent 2 hours talking about Jisung, and J.P never got bored of Chenle talking about how amazing he was. It made him have a weird and warm feeling in his chest.

Chenle then yawned, he was tired.

"Come on, let me take you home, it's late," J.P said, carrying the tired boy.

Chenle nodded, falling asleep in J.P's arms. J.P blushed, giving a small kiss on Chenle's forehead. J.P teleported the both of them in Chenle's room, tucking the small boy in. Then, he left.


"JISUNG!" a loud yelled coming from the school.

"Oh my god! Are you feeling a lot better now? I'm so sorry I couldn't visit you," Chenle said, as he starting to ramble off.

"Haha, yes, I am fine now, don't worry so much Lele," Jisung said, smiling as he ruffled Chenle's hair.

"I'm just very worried because you are my bestie, since diapers," Chenle said, smiling.

"Yes... of course," Jisung said, forcing a smile.


"Do you want to know who've I have been crushing on lately?" Chenle asked, as they started to walk to lunch.

"Sure, who is he?" Jisung asked.

Chenle had already came out to Jisung, then his parents, both were very, very supportive.

"Well, I hope it isn't crazy, but lately I've had a huge crush on this superhero, he is really, really cute," Chenle said, holding his cheeks, just to try to prevent his blushing.

"Who is it? I won't laugh," Jisung said, hoping it would be him.

"He is J.P, he is really cute, isn't he?" Chenle said, pulling up a photocard of J.P.

"Eh, he isn't that bad," Jisung said.

"By the way, how do you even get Superhero photocards?" Jisung asked.

"You interested? I bought them at a store. You can buy photocards of your favorite Superhero, this one is very special, because it's limited edition and it's my first one," Chenle said, smiling at the photo card.

"Oh really?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah, do you want one?" Chenle asked.

"uh, okay, sure," Jisung said. 

"I'll give you the Jin Rak one, because he is also one of my favorites," Chenle said.

(Self Promotion at its finest)

"Thanks," Jisung said taking the photocard from the older.


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