~ Chapter 17 ~

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"Hello~," Renjun said.

"Um, who are you?" Donghyuck asked, pretending like he didn't know Renjun.

Renjun got the message quickly.

"Oh, I just came by to see people playing basketball today, but apparently not, I guess, sorry to bother you all," Renjun said, smiling.

"Oh, well that was weird, wasn't that?" Jaemin said, looking at Donghyuck.

"Yep, pretty weird," Donghyuck said.

"Anyways, my mom is going to kill me, see you later," Jeno said.

"Oh shit, mine too! Bye," Jaemin said, leaving.

That leaves two.

"Um, do you want to, um, walk, um, home uh, together?" Mark asked, cursing himself for saying 'um' many, many times.

"Uh, sure, why not?" Donghyuck said, smiling.

Mark held onto his now, favorite photo cards, in his hand, walking with Haechan. Donghyuck and Mark walked home together, until they both came across a weird huge creature. Black, like the night, and was covered in flames, blue like the sky.

It was raging at them.

"Let's make a run for it," Mark said, dragging Donghyuck into an alley way. 

It saw them, and it tried to get them.

"Hey dumbass! Come and get me!" a familiar voice yelled.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Nana came with Jin Rak.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, we are," Mark said.

"Yo?" Jin Rak asked.

"I'm fine," Donghyuck said.

"Go to safety, we can handle this," Nana said.

"Come on, let's go," Mark said, dragging Donghyuck.

Mark dragged the two in a safe place, and he sighed in relief. He looked at Donghyuck, who was visibly worried.

"You okay? " Mark asked.

"No, I'm.. just scared," Donghyuck said.

"Come here," Mark said, pulling Donghyuck close to him, hugging the younger. Donghyuck hugged back, burying his face in Mark's neck. Then, they heard loud cries, and something loud coming their way.

"Follow me, I'll get you somewhere safe, Hyuck," Mark said, dragging the boy.

Mark put Donghyuck in a safe place, and told him to stay put, he said he would get help. Donghyuck felt extremely scared, and he heard breathing. He turned on his side, as saw the monster, looking at him.

"Get away from him," a voice spoke out.

Then, suddenly the monster moved away. Another superhero appeared, J.P, but he was badly injured.

"Come-...on, let me help you before... I pass out," he spoke, in a hoarse voice.

Donghyuck grabbed his hand, but instead the boy had already fainted, falling to the ground.

"No, No, No, wake up!" Donghyuck said, trying to help the unconscious boy.

"Come on, my friend will take him, don't worry, you are safe now," Minhyung said.

"I-I'm scared... really scared," Donghyuck said, hugging onto the superhero.

Minhyung hugged the boy back, the Monster was finally defeated. How did it die? Mark made it kill itself.

(Please don't do that to yourself)

"Is... it gone?" Donghyuck asked Minhyung.

"Yes, yes it is," Minhyung said, as Jin Rak limped over, taking J.P with him.

Donghyuck felt so useless during that period of time. He wasn't there to help his teammates, nor was he there for support. Not to mention, he was scared, it because of the monster, it was because he was scared of losing them.

Minhyung comforted the boy for the ret of the afternoon, enjoying every moment while it lasts.

Donghyuck ended up going home, with Mark, who appeared afterwards.

"Thanks, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Donghyuck said.

"Bye," Mark said.

Later that night, Donghyuck couldn't focus on his homework and studies, so he decided to hop around the late night city as a superhero.

He then noticed Mark, walking in the streets.

"Hey," Haechan said, appearing in front of the boy.

"Oh my- Jesus! O-Oh, hello," Mark stuttered.

"I wanted to talk to someone my age, is it okay if, you don't mind," Haechan said.

"Um, sure, I have time," Mark said.

They sat at an empty park. It was cold, but that didn't matter.

"I wasn't at the recent battle.. you know?" Haechan said.

"Oh, really? I was too busy trying to get help for my friend, I kinda got into the mess, but the officers told me to relax and stuff like that," Mark said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, yea, but when I found out, I was shaken, like, I felt useless, because I wasn't there to help them. I was scared, not because of the monster, it was because I didn't want to lose Minhyung, J.P, Jin Rak, Nana and Nono, it was scary to think about ...it. You know..?" Haechan said, as his voice started to crack.

Mark quickly hugged Haechan, letting him cry on his shoulder that late, late night.

"Thank you for listening to me,...uh what's your name again?" Haechan said, lying at the last part.

"Mark, Mark Lee," he said, grinning.

"Thank you, let me walk you home," Haechan said, smiling.

It was pitch lack that night, with the street lights the only thing shining in the night. The bid good-bye, and Donghyuck quickly walked home, it was like a block away from Mark's house.

Donghyuck slept well that night, Mark on the other hand, felt happy that he hugged both of his crushes, on the same day, multiple times.


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