~ Chapter 11 ~

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18 years ago...

My mom was finally going to start her first year in college, and it was exciting for her since she was finally doing something with her life. She had already moved into the dorms, with her new roommates.

Two were males, there was another girl who was already her roommate. Half and Half was split beyond the whole dorm room.

Mom would study and have fun at the same time, day in, and day out. She was the quiet type, not the party type of girl.

She was walking back to the dorms at night when alone, she was walking after the library closed. She wasn't scared of the dark, so she didn't want to bother the escorts. 

(I'm in AVID, so I have visited colleges in California. They have these phones at random spots, so they can call someone, if it gets too late and dark at night, they will have a police officer escort you to the car or dorm, basically anywhere.)

She walked into the quiet night. Then, she was snatched away in a secretive and quiet area where nobody could find them, screaming and crying. As you can guess, a man went inside her. Before the man could do another round, her roommate, who was looking for her, punched the man, he was beating him up. 

"Here, I won't look, put this on for now before we go to the dorms," her roommate said, looking away as he handed her his very big hoodie. Her clothes were ripped up into shreds.

They left the place, walking to the dorms. He made sure the whole dorm was locked, and he made sure that everything in the dorm was safe. He told her if he needed anything, he would be in the next room.

Well, mom got used to him, after being very, very traumatized by the man, who is in jail, still today. Mom, then realized she was pregnant with me, Jaemin. But, that man has always been there, eventually becoming best friends, and...

"You may kiss the bride!" the priest announced to the whole audience.

I had no memory when they kissed, I was only 2 1/2 years old when they got married, and they had just graduated from college, finally starting their lives together, with me. 

"As you can guess In Joonie, that man, was my father. He may not be my biological father, but he is my father, unlike that bastard," I said, in such disgust and hatred. 

"I'm glad you told me, I can tell you are a bit more relaxed," Renjun said, smiling. 

I thought about it, and I kinda do, when I drink tea.

"Thanks, for listening," I said, smiling back at the boy.

"No problem, Jaeminnie," Renjun replied, smiling.


Heros of the Night - NCT Dream BXB ✓Where stories live. Discover now