~ Chapter 42 ~

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"Baby~," Donghyuck said, jumping onto his boyfriend.

"Yes, babe?" Mark asked as he carried his boyfriend on his back.

"I love you," Donghyuck whispered in the older's ear. 

"I love you too," Mark said, pressing his lips on the younger's own. 

Donghyuck got off of Mark's back, and they walked to their friends to the lunch table. 

Little did they know...

A loud screeching roar, it was another obscure being. It's crocodile-like facials, standing on its hind legs, it walked like a human, it was huge, like almost as big as the school buildings. 

"Ah, shit, here we go again...," Mark mumbled. 

"Baby, we can do it, come on before that thing murder our asses," Donghyuck said, kissing Mark on the cheek.

"Hey, I thought that was my job," Mark pouted. 

"It is, for mine," Donghyuck answered, winking at his boyfriend. Mark smirked, but they knew that they had to save the damn school. 


"Guys, what is that red thing on it's back??" Jin Rak exclaimed. 

"I think it's the fucking core," Haechan said. 

"Well, how the fuck are we going to destroy it?" Minhyung said. 

"Um, we can use the nearby rocks, with my powers," Nono said.

"Good idea, Nana help your boyfriend," Haechan said. 

Nana and Nono used their magic, to carry the boulders, slamming it into the monster.

"Hey, why didn't we used that idea for that other monster?" Chenle asked.

"Because I'm stupid, now shut up," Haechan said, observing. 

Nono and Nana stopped after they weren't taking any damage. Haechan decided to be brave enough, to touch it to see what has been going on with the monster.

Haechan froze, Minhyung pulled him away from the beast before his boyfriend got hurt. 

"I saw who created these," Haechan said.

"Who is it?" Minhyung asked, bringing his boyfriend to a hug. 

"I-I..." the boy getting upset, buried his face in Minhyung's chest. 

Minhyung hugged the boy closely, as the rest stared. 

"So, what do we do now?" Jin Rak said. 

"Get it away from here," Minhyung ordered the boys. 

They went to distract it, trying to lead it away from the school, as Mark held onto his boyfriend tightly. 

"I won't force you to say anything okay, baby? Let's focus on how can we get rid of this, okay?" Minhyung's soft, and a sweet voice filled up Haechan's ears like the way Mark filled him up that one night-. 

Haechan stopped hugging his boyfriend and asked him if he could make the monster tell him how to kill itself, or it's weak points. Minhyung closed his eyes, and then he told his boyfriend. 

"You are supposed to destroy the gem with a pickaxe, but it needs to be the magical kind," Minhyung explained. 

"Alright, Jin Rak, Over here!" Haechan called the boy over. 

"Yeah? What is it, hyung?" Jin Rak asked. 

"Well, can you pull out a magical pickaxe? We need it to destroy the gem," Haechan explained back to the younger. 

"Alright," Jin Rak said, pulling out a pickaxe from the portal. He threw it, and it destroys the rock piece into thousands and thousands of shards.  Deactivating the monster, then it faded away. 

"Well, that was easy," Jin Rak said, walking away. 

"Damn," Nono said. 

"Um, are you okay, hyung?" Nana asked the boy. 

"N-No, I'm not fine, the thing that created them, I-i can't say... I'm scared," Haechan said, burying his face in his hands, as Minhyung hugged the boy, pulling his face close to his chest. 

"We are going home, we'll see you guys later," Minhyung said, picking up his boyfriend in his arms, walking away. 

The rest of the crew attended school, the two, Chenle and Jisung wondered where Mark and Donghyuck were, but Jeno and Jaemin assured the two that they were just helping out with the teachers. 

In reality, Mark was taking care of Donghyuck at home, tending to his lover, as he wasn't mentally okay. Which worried Mark terribly. 

"Baby, sit up, I made some juk juk," Mark said. 

(Understand this: I said that in Cantonese, it is like porridge, but people called it congee or something. I don't feel comfortable spelling it like congee because they English-ized it. And it is nowhere near to juk juk)

Donghyuck sat up and ate. Donghyuck had goosebumps along his skin, he didn't feel like he wanted to talk or say anything. He was too scared. Mark gave the boy kisses afterward, but Donghyuck didn't feel intimate. 

(Who should be the person behind this? I really wanna know)


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