~ Chapter 28 ~

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Mark sat in his room, admiring the amount of Haechan posters he has. God, he is whipped.

Donghyuck walked in, and suddenly walked out. He didn't want to see his face on Mark's walls.

Mark noticed, and quickly took them down. He walked and opened the door, with Donghyuck still there.

"So, what did you wanted to say?" Mark asked.

"I was going to ask if we had any upcoming tests," Donghyuck asked.

"Um, no since our whole school is being rebuilt," Mark said.

"oh okay, thanks," Donghyuck said, walking back to his room.

Mark went to his rom, sulking because his crush was weirded out about his Haechan collection. It's not his fault that Haechan looks hot when he is focused on fighting the monsters.

Mark started to think, if Jisung could get a boyfriend while being a superhero, why couldn't he? He can ask Donghyuck, if not, he can ask Haechan. Mark decided Donghyuck would be plan #2, since he liked Haechan more than Donghyuck.

(This stupid bitch, istg.)

Mark hear a beeping from his wrist, and he immediately took action.


Minhyung met up with Nono, Nana, Injoon, Jin Rak and J.P, no Haechan. They were dealing with a murderer, and they had to come up with a plan.

Haechan arrived way later, with messy hair, probably from waking up or something.

"Sorry, I was stressing over the weirdest shit ever," Haechan said.

"It's fine, but we might need your help to see the past," Officer 1 said.

"Right," Haechan said.

Haechan wore a glove, and touched a piece of leftover fabric.

"It...looks like a man, he has a brachydactyly type d, but it's almost 2/3's gone. It's the left thumb, uh, he has facial hair, eyes don't have double-eye lids. I think that he was carrying a knife, it's blade was especially special, it has this butterfly-like design," Haechan said.

"He is about a 30-40 year old, and he has a scar above his lip. He seems like he knows this victim," Haechan said.

"Alright, find suspects that fit the description!" Officer 2 yelled.

"Thank you for your services, I think we are going to take care of the rest," Officer 1 said.

Haechan nodded, and the whole group walked off.


Minhyung took the courage for himself, and he decided to ask Haechan out.

"Um, Haechan..," Minhyung said, making the younger stop to look at him.

"Hm?" Haechan hummed, he was confused; why did Minhyung stop him?

"Um, you know, I like you, and is it okay if we go out?" Minhyung asked the younger.

Haechan was taken aback, he never knew Minhyung felt this way about him, well, he knows Mark is pretty much in love with him. But, Mark will get over him anyways.

"I'll think about it," Haechan said.

"Oh, that's okay, take your time, Haechannie," Minhyung said, walking off with the others.

Haechan felt his face heat up, and he kept walking, trying to keep up with his friends.


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