𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸

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"Jungkook, this is for your own good"

"You know I already have a partner, right? Why the fuck would you run your mouth without my consent?!" Jungkook roared as he glared at his parents.

"That man is only trouble! We don't need such a man in our family! You'll be meeting your new partner, Kim Seokjin, tomorrow at 5 pm," his father roared back.

"Fuck you, you old man!" Jungkood said through gritted teeth.

"Jungkook, is this how you talk to your father?! Go to your room!" Mrs. Jeon, his mother, scolded him.

Jungkook faked a chuckle and glared at his parents like they're some kind of weird animals, "Like fuck I would!"

With that, he left the house and slammed the front door shut.

He bought some beer cans from a near shop and opened one as he was walking down the streets. 

He chugged down the alcohol and threw the can of beer on the ground.

People stared at him in fear, some even running away from him, thinking that he is some kind of crazy alcoholic.

He opened another can and gulped it all in a few seconds, some alcohol falling onto the ground and wetting his shirt.

He wiped his mouth and threw the can on the clean and polished street.

He opened another one,

And another one,

And then another one ...

As he was about to open another can, his mind suddenly started spinning and he soon collapsed to the ground.

* * * * * *

Jin was scrolling through the streets to avoid going back home.

He saw a person lying on the floor.

"Who is that?" Jin muttered to himself as he squinted his eyes, trying to see the man's face.

He gave in on watching from afar and walked up to the man.

"Hey! Are you ok?" he asked, worried about the collapsed man on the ground.

"What's wrong? Can you stand up?" he asked the man again as he shook him a little to make him wake up.

Jin lifted the man's head from the ground and put it on his lap. He asked for people's help, but not any of them decided to help.

Jungkook, the collapsed man, slowly opened his eyes to see a worried man caress his face and ask for help from strangers, but only to be ignored by them.

Jungkook pretended to sleep again as he felt weird warmth and pleasure from the other man.

He caressed the 'collapsed' man's face, thinking that he'd warm up the man and make him feel better.

He gave up on asking for help and tried to pick up the man but he somehow managed to fall on top of the man.

Jungkook grunted and opened his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, sir! What could I-"

He was interrupted by Jungkook's loud voice, "Stop fucking squirming!"

Jungkook grabbed Jin's waist trying to make him stay still. Jin got up in a hurry after he saw the man get angry.

Jungkook clicked his tongue and shook the invisible dust off of his shoulders. He looked at Jin and pushed him out of his way.

Jin was confused at what had just happened. 

He ignored the rude man and finally decided to head home after seeing over 30 missed calls from his mother.

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