𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟻

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"Hey!" I yelled as I yanked my arm out of his tight hold. He turned around ... and my body stiffened, I stood there frozen as I stared at the familiar man in front of me.


He had a cold, blank facial expression as he stared at me silently. He looked so different that it scared me. He was so skinny, dangerously skinny, and he looked really pale. I walked closer to him slowly and carefully. "Are you ok?"

He didn't respond and only continued to stare at me blankly. Even though he was shooting daggers at me, I still decided to grab his hand and lead him to my house since it was only a few minutes away. He didn't decline, he just let me lead him to wherever. I opened the door to my house and went inside. Jimin was standing in front of the door, still staring at me.

"Come inside," I said, holding the door wide for him to enter. He hesitantly came inside, "What are you planning?" I ignored his nonsense and headed to the kitchen to make something to eat. He followed me to the kitchen and sat down on a stool at the counter. "Could you pass me some eggs from the fridge?" I asked him since he was closer to the fridge.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Can't you get it yourself?" He rolled his eyes as he passed me a carton of eggs. "Thanks," I smiled, once again ignoring his rude attitude. A couple minutes later, the food was finished and placed on the set up table.

"Go on and eat." I handed him a fork and took a seat in front of him.

"It's like 3 AM," he complained as he checked his phone. He started eating the food slowly, but it soon turned to him scarfing down the warm and delicious food. "You must've been hungry." I chuckled as I took the clean plate and put it in the sink. I started washing the dirty dishes, so I won't have to later.

"Why are you acting so kind to me?"

I could hear the confusion in his voice. I wonder if anyone has ever treated him like a normal human being, considering that he was so confused that someone would help him when he really needs it.

"Because I've been there before and I know how it is to be on your own in this huge, cruel world without anyone on your side to understand and help you," I answered his question honestly, without any intention to lie to him.

"But I'm your husband's lover."

The already heavy atmosphere grew even more tense and more awkward.

I lowered my head and sighed, "I know."

He didn't continue to ask any questions and only watched me wash the dishes. I put down the sponge and turned around to see him sleeping with his mouth open and his head on the tableI don't know what to feel about him; jealousy and hatred because he is the one my husband loves and prefers, or pity and sympathy because he is just a human, but he just doesn't know how to express his real feelings toward people.

I know he doesn't have any ill intentions. 'All bark and no bite', like they all say.

Not wanting to disturb his sleep, I grabbed a cozy blanket, big enough to cover his back, and left him rest.

I leaned against a counter and scrolled through my phone, entering a new and different world. The internet and social media is really something that I would never get used to. It's just so boring and  overrated, but I admit that the internet was also my escape from the world when I was all by myself and had nothing to do, except stare at my phone all day.

*𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐   𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐    𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐*

I jumped at the sudden, loud ringing sound coming from my phone. Unhesitantly, I answered the phone call and put it up to my ear.

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