𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟷

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"Good morning, baby."

Jin was confused as soon as he woke up - Jungkook was dressed in a suit - he looked at his phone to check the day ... yes, it was Sunday.

"Where are you going?" Jin rubbed his eyes sleepily and tried to get up from the bed, but he was too tired to. Jungkook stopped doing his hair and looked at Jin with a weird smile, "I have some work to do." He continued doing his hair, then kissed Jin and his children goodbye and left.

Soobin ran to Jin and started screaming loudly, "Appa, we want to play with Woozi and Yoonji! Appa! Appa!"

After seeing that his father wasn't paying any attention to him, Soobin calmed down and asked his father properly if they could go over to Woozi and Yoonjin's house to play.

Of course, Jin couldn't say no and he dropped them off at Hoseok and Yoongi's house. He chatted with them for a while about random things, then finally left. When Jin arrived safely back home, he started cleaning up the place. As he was washing the dishes, he noticed a glass of water next to the sink. He drank it all since he was quite thirsty, then proceeded to wash it.

"Ahh~ finally," Jin stretched his arms as he walked into his bedroom and let himself fall on the soft bed. Whilst thinking about what to cook for dinner, he gradually drifted off into a deep sleep.

"So naive," the masked man chuckled to himself as he walked towards the sleeping man. He climbed on top of the bed and crawled closer to Jin.

"Really, really naive," he repeated, brushing his fingertips against Jin's plump lips.

"And why would that be?"

The masked man freezed, his fingers still on Jin's lips. He muttered a bunch of curse words as he tried to regain his calm self. He caressed Jin's lips, his fingers slightly trembling as he tried to appear smug, "He's just so pure and energetic, especially in bed, y'know?"

Jungkook's already red face turned even redder as he glared at the stranger touching his sleeping baby. He licked his lips, then cracked his neck as he walked closer to the man that was angering him, "In bed?"

"Yeah, in bed. Those soft and sweet moa-"

The next second, the masked man was on the floor, hissing in pain. He rubbed his back, then slowly got up and tried to punch Jungkook, but the latter was faster than him. Punch, another punch, and another punch, and another one ...

The masked man was already unconscious by how many punches were thrown at him by the furious and uncontrollable Jungkook in just a few seconds.

Jungkook grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, dragged him down the hallway, and threw him in the back of their neighbour's pickup truck. Luckily, the streets were empty and no one had seen him. He quickly ran back inside, laughing mischievously as he heard the pickup truck leave.

What a relief he had installed those hidden cameras yesterday. Without them, he would've never found out who was bothering and harassing his baby. His baby.

He kissed Jin's forehead, gently stroking his soft hair, "I love you." He stared at his sleeping face with a small smile, then kissed his soft lips several times before finally returning to work.

"Appa! We're home!"


Soobin noticed how quiet the house was - usually his appa would've been cooking while singing at the same time, or he would've been lying down on the couch, laughing at a stupid joke on his phone - but his appa was nowhere to be seen or heard.

He started crying, startling Seulgi, who was lying down on the couch with her sandals on, but she still made sure not to touch the couch with her sandals.

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