𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼

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The next day


"Hi, is this Kim Seokjin on the phone?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's me Hoseok!"

"Oh! You sound so different over the phone. I couldn't even recognize you!"

"I get that a lot! Anyway, do you have time today to catch up?"

"Of course, sunshine! Anything for you."

"Great. I'll meet you at Arôme de Café!"

"Arôme de Café?"

"Yeah, is that ok?"

"Sure, I'll see you soon."

He put on a turtleneck and a coat. He took his house keys and locked the front door, since his parents weren't at home.

He entered the café and saw Hoseok waiting at a table in the corner.

He giggled seeing the man wave at him like a small child.

"You already seem so happy! Did something happen?" Jin sat down across Hoseok who was also laughing.

"I'm just so happy to see you. You're the only true friend I have these days," Hoseok stated in a sad tone.

Jin looked at Hoseok with playful and suspicious eyes, "Reeaally.. ?"

"Reeaally!"  Hoseok exclaimed.

"To be honest, I too haven't been interacting with other people," Jin also admitted.

"If that's the case, then we're destined to be best friends!" Hoseok let out a childish laughter.

Jin smiled as he watched Hoseok laugh
happily. They chatted for a while and laughed at their old memories together.

"Time really does go fast, huh," Jin said softly to himself, but Hoseok understood perfectly what he had said.

"Doesn't it? It's been so long since that horrible incident."

Hoseok took Jin's hand into his own and slowly caressed it. Jin spaced out as he glazed at the bright roses in the flower vase.

"It's all in the past, Jin. It wasn't your fault. Don't stress yourself over it," Hoseok comforted his friend.

"I'm proud to have you as a friend, Hoseok. I'm really, really grateful. Do I even deserve such a cheerful and gorgeous friend?"
Jin spoke with a soft frail voce as a tear escaped and hit the table. He covered his face as more began to fall.

"Jin, don't cry. I should be grateful for having you as my friend. You're so much more than you imagine yourself to be," Hoseok softly shushed Jin.

He got up and hugged Jin, who was crying silently while whispering inaudible things in Hoseok's ear.

Hoseok patted his friend's back to comfort him. He sighed as he heard his friend sob harder.

"It's ok, Jin. Let it all out"

* * * * * *

"Come on, I'll walk you home," Hoseok said and took Jin's hand after he calmed down.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Hoseok asked Jin for the nth time.

"Yes, Hoseok. I was just..."

"Jin, if there's anything that's bothering you, you could always talk to me."

"I know, Hobi. And I'm really thankful for that, but there's really nothing that's bothering me. I'm completely fine," Jin said as he tried to convince Hoseok.

"Anyway, do you have a lover?" Jin changed the subject as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Well.." Hoseok's face went red.

"You do! Oh my god, my sunshine finally fell in love! I'm so happy for you!" Jin jumped in excitement like a little kid.

"I know! He treats me so nice and he's so caring. I don't even know where I found such a loving man!" Hoseok spoke about his boyfriend with pride and joy.

"He acts tough, but in reality he's only a little kitten! I wish I could show you his cute little angry face!" He continued with a squeaky and excited voice.

Jin laughed at his friend's rattling, "Don't you have a picture of him?"

"Oh, yes! That's a great idea," Hoseok scratched his head as he looked for his phone.

"There it is! I thought I've lost it," Hoseok took his phone out of his small purse and held it up in the air.

"Look, this is him! Isn't he so cute?" Hoseok exclaimed as he showed Jin a photo of his partner.

Jin looked at the short man dressed in all black with a frown on his face.

"He sure is," he laughed.

"Come on! He may look angry all the time, but he's actually such a nice gentleman! Just look at this gummy smile!" Hoseok swiped through his gallery and showed Jin a photo of his boyfriend's gummy smile.

"Wow, he does look different," Jin admitted when he saw how cute he actually looked when smiling.

"I hope he takes care of you and makes you happy. If he dares to make my little sunshine cry, I will strangle him to death,"
Jin pretended to be angry, but Hoseok stared at him with his mouth opened.

He faked a gasp, "Jin! I never knew you could be so wild!"

They both bursted out laughing.

Their laughter and loud voices filled up the lonely, quiet street as they continued walking.

They finally arrived infront of Jin's house.

"I had a wonderful time, Hoseok. Thank you," Jin smiled as he hugged his friend.

"Now, hurry up inside. It's cold and already so late," he patted Jin's shoulder.

Jin waved his friend goodbye and opened his front door to see his father sleeping on the couch.

He tiptoed upstairs to his room and went to sleep as soon as he was on his bed.

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