𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺

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"Jin, come here!" His mother called Jin from downstairs.

No response.

"Jin? Come downstairs, sweetie! We have visitors!"

"I'm extremely sorry, Mr & Mrs. Jeon. He never acts this way. I'm sure something must've happened," Mrs. Kim apologized for making them wait for her son.

"We are the ones who should apologize for arriving late. Son, please go check if Jin is upstairs," Mrs. Jeon said politely with a small smile appearing on her face.

Jungkook looked at his mother in pure disgust and rolled his eyes. He let out a deep breath and climbed the stairs.

He saw a long corridor full of doors.

"How am I supposed to know where his room is? Why the fuck do you need more than one room?" Jungkook complained, even though his house is even bigger.

He saw a door at the end of the corridor. He assumed it was Jin's room, so he knocked on it. He knocked again, louder.

Still no response.

Jungkook gave up on being polite and just opened the door and went in.

He saw Jin sleeping on his double bed, completely uncovered and his blanket on the floor near his bed. His shirt somehow exposing his bright pink nipples and small pale tummy.

Jungkook stared at Jin's red plump lips and then at his pink nipples. He locked the door and tiptoed all the way to Jin's side.

He licked his lips and smirked ruthlessly. He touched Jin's nipple with his cold fingers, causing Jin to turn around and lie on his stomach.

Jungkook grabbed Jin's shorts off and stared at his pink panties in amusement, before he also took them off.

He squeezed Jin's small pinkish butt and cupped them in his hands.

He sucked on his index and middle finger and slowly inserted them inside Jin.

Jin tossed around, but he didn't wake up. Jungkook moved his fingers inside Jin in a faster pace. He got up and positioned himself on top of Jin, still not taking his fingers out of him.

"Mmh.. nghh," Jin whimpered as Jungkook increased his speed.

"Shh, be quiet," Jungkook shushed him.

"Mnnh.. s-stop! You're h-hurting m-me!"
Jin tried to escape Jungkook's hold but he failed and only made Jungkook insert another finger.

"Shut the fuck up," Jungkook whispered in Jin's ear.

He grinded his crotch against Jin's small plump butt. He let out a groan and spanked Jin's fluffy cheek. He spanked the other cheek, causing Jin to whimper again.

Jungkook took off his jeans and threw his belt across the room.

"Suck," he demanded as he turned Jin around.

"W-what?" Jin looked at him in confusion.

"Suck it," Jungkook said irritated and pointed to his big hard cock.

Jin covered his eyes, not wanting to look at Jungkook. Jungkook grabbed Jin's hands away from his face and forced his big cock inside his small mouth.

"Nmhh!" Jin slapped Jungkook's lower legs, hoping he'll stop. He finally managed to escape Jungkook's grip on his head.

"Why did you do that?" Jin asked angrily, but the other ignored him.

"Open your mouth. Come on," Jungkook demanded. Jin obeyed him, scared of what may happen if he didn't obey him.

"Good. Stick your tongue out," Jungkook continued to give out orders.

"Do as I say. You have a fucking tongue, right? Let me see it," he said through gritted teeth as he saw Jin backing up.

Jin slowly stuck his pink tongue out and looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with Jungkook.

"Now suck, or do you want me to fuck your mouth?" Jungkook offered, smirking.

Jin shook his head and positioned his trembling fingers on Jungkook's cock. He put his warm mouth around his tip and slowly licked it around in circles.

"Fuck! Suck it, nghh!" Jungkook groaned in pleasure. Jungkook couldn't stand it anymore, so he took over and grabbed Jin's head. He fucked Jin's mouth as he let grunts and cusses escape his mouth.

"Jungkook! Jin! Are you guys ok?" Mrs. Kim shouted from downstairs.

"Shit! Go clean up," Jungkook said as he dressed himself and left the room.

Silent tears rolled down Jin's face while looking at the man, he assumed was his soon to be husband, leave after what had just happened. Is this relationship really going to work out? How?

 Is this relationship really going to work out? How?

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