𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶

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"Hello?", Jin cautiously put the phone to his ear and awaited for the unknown man to say something.

"Hey, Jin! How are you?", the 'unknown' man chirped through the phone.

"Taehyung? How did you get my number?" Jin asked as he could recognise the man's unique voice. He could hear the other man laugh before saying, "I looked into Joon's phone. Anyway, can we meet up soon?"

Jin shook his head at his really childish behaviour. "Yeah.. sure. Where do you want to meet up?"

Taehyung thought for some time, "Can I come to your house?"

Jin's eyes went wide at the man's suggestion and quickly declined, "I have some visitors, at the moment. I don't think you can.".

Taehyung stood silent for some minutes before he pleaded again, "Please? I really want to go to your house. We can go somewhere in a different room, if you have visitors."

Jin felt bad for the sulking man and gave up on declining, "Ok, but promise me you won't tell anyone about my... job. I'll send you the address". Taehyung squealed excited and promised Jin he wouldn't. Jin put the phone down and went to his bedroom to clean up the mess made by Jungkook.

Jin hurried outside as soon as he heard a car horn. He saw Taehyung smiling as he parked the car and got out.

"Hey", Jin greeted the smiling man. Taehyung hugged Jin as soon as he got out of the car. "Let's go inside", Jin said as he tried to break the hug. Taehyung hugged him even tighter and didn't let go. Jin tried to walk while Taehyung was hugging him. He finally managed to get inside the house and then to his bedroom. "Tae, you can let go of me now", he said as he wiped his sweaty forehead. "But I don't want to..", he whined. "Tae, let go!", Jin exclaimed while laughing wholeheartedly.

Jungkook entered the loud room to find Jin laughing and hugging someone else. He coughed to gain their attention. Jin pushed Taehyung away quickly as he saw Jungkook standing at the door.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook raised his voice as he headed towards them.

"Who are you?" he pointed to Taehyung, who was just as confused as he was.

"He's a friend of mine, Taehyung," Jin introduced him to Jungkook.

"Well, don't fuck in my room," he scoffed before exiting the room. Jin sighed and put his hand on his face.

"Wait here, Tae," he said before going after Jungkook.

He grabbed Jungkook by his sleeve, making Jungkook stop in his tracks.

"What?" he said as he tried to pull his hand back from Jin's grip.

"Jungkook, please don't make a fuss. I know you probably don't want a stranger in your house, but he begged me and I couldn't decline," Jin said reasonably.

"Then why did he hug you like that?" Jungkook's voice cracked as asked him.

He turned all the way around to face Jin, who was surprised by Jungkook's hurt and pained face.

"Jungkook...why?" he muttered while staring at the tears rolling down his face.

"I don't fucking know! It just comes out! Don't get your hopes high, I'll never fucking love you!" Jungkook exclaimed as he wiped his tears away and pulled his hand out of Jin's small grip.

"Don't hug someone else in my fucking house," Jungkook lastly said before stomping away.

Jin returned confused to his bedroom.

"Is everything ok?" Taehyung asked as soon as he saw Jin enter the room.

"Yeah, it's nothing," Jin said as he sat down on the bed.

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