𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼

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Jimin got a phone call from Jungkook to go help Jin prepare dinner at the Kims'.

He didn't want to at first, but he agreed only because he wanted to leave a good impression on Jungkook.

He heard screaming and shouting come from the house, and opened the surprisingly unlocked door.

He went to where he could hear the voices come from, the kitchen. Right there, infront of him, was a wild and violent man hitting Jin over and over again. Jin's face was covered in blood and tears.

"What are you doing?!", Jimin screamed as loud as he could, without thinking that he was helping his enemy.

Mr. Kim was startled by the man, and quickly took his hands off Jin. "Who the fuck are you?!", he shouted in confusion.

"Me? I'm Jimin", he replied sassily, even if he was scared of the man with bloody hands and his ugly face.

"Jimin ..who?!" he asked, glaring at the short man infront of him. Jimin rolled his eyes and said, "You don't need to know."

Mr. Kim was about to explode from all the fury, but shrunk down in fear when Jimin said, "I'm guessing you're Jin's father. You don't want Namjoon to know about you talking to me this way, right?"

"W-what? How do you-", he couldn't finish his sentence as Jimin cut him off.

"How do I know? I know everything. Namjoon is one of my acquintances," he winked with a huge evil grin on his face.

Mr. Kim stared at him in fear, and looked back at his son's unconscious body lying on the kitchen floor before running out of the house, taking his car keys with him.

Jimin was left alone with the bloody man, who was lying on the cold floor like a dead person. He glared at him in confusion, not knowing how to feel. Happy that his boyfriend's husband got what he deserved.. or did he feel pity?

He shook his head to get rid of the stupid thought of pity for the man, and slammed the door as he left the house.

Some time later, Jin finally woke up in pain and agony. He rubbed his face with the back of his hand, and then looked in shock at the blood on his hand. He got up and limped to the bathroom.

Mrs. Kim and Jungkook finally arrived back home. "Home sweet home", Mrs. Kim said as she took in a deep breath in and admired her house. She frowned as the house was completely silent and her son was nowhere to be seen.

"Jin?" her voice resonated in the quiet house. Jin came out minutes later from the bathroom with a black face mask covering half of his face.

He also had a hoodie on to cover the bruises from his father's hard kicks and punches.

"Why are you all dressed up?" his mother tried to pull his face mask off, but Jin was quick to slap her hand away.

"I'm sorry. I'm only cold," Jin apologised after seeing his mother's upset and confused look on her face.

His mother didn't have the chance to respond as Jin hurried back to the kitchen to continue cooking. He threw away the cold food and started from the beginning.

"What were you doing all this time?" Jungkook suddenly said, making Jin jump from the sudden loud voice.

"I f-forgot", Jin stuttered nervously as he felt Jungkook's warm body press against his back. Jungkook noticed how nervous Jin was and chuckled lowly, "Why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not," Jin denied while turning around to face the other man. Jungkook observed Jin's face mask and grabbed it off swiftly.

Jin gasped and quickly covered his face with his small hands.

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