𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺

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( Jungkook's POV )

"Finally!" I rolled my eyes as I let the shorter man come inside. "Still as short as ever?" I let out a loud laughter as the short, grumpy man glared at me.

"Shut up, man. I may be short, but I don't treat my lover like a piece of garbage, then cry and say how much I lov--"

"And that's because I can't let him see the weak side of me! He always refuses me and tells me I have Jimin, but I don't want Jimin! I want him!" I flopped down onto the couch while holding my hair.

"But he's right. You made him suffer for so long and told him you hate him, but now you want him?" I felt his gaze upon me as I sat there speechless.

"I know that I only make him cry, and I'm sorry for everything that I've done to him, but I just can't control myself when I see him next to another man that is not me!"

I didn't even realize that he had left in the middle of my outburst until I raised my head and saw that he wasn't there anymore. He entered the living room once again with a bunch of beer cans in his arms. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he threw all the beer cans on the couch. "I think you need some," he winked as he handed me a beer can that he had opened for me.

"Thanks." I chugged the beer like I haven't drank anything in weeks. "So? What're you gonna do about him?" He sat down on the couch next to me and opened a can of beer for himself. "I don't know, Yoongi. I just feel like everything is so fucking messed up .. because of me! All I want to do is embrace him and tell him that I'm sorry for every little shit that I've done to him! But it's too late, he's tired of me!" My hands were trembling as I opened another beer can and gulped it down once again.

"It's never too late to tell him how much you actually love him. You could always confess your true feelings, but you don't because of your big ego you've created. You make people think that you're this muscular, fearless, and cruel man that hates everyone, when, in fact, you're just hurt and confused about how life and true love works. So, forget that big ego of yours and show your real, true self."

I've known Yoongi since childhood. We used to do everything together; walk to school together, play together, and we even tried alcohol for the first time together. He always gives me good life advice and he's always the one who comforts me after a big fight with my parents, or even with Jin. Yoongi is the kind of friend that would tell you the truth, even if it hurts. To tell you what you already know in your gut, but are too scared to admit.

"You're right. I really have to get my shit together and tell him the truth. And if he refuses me, then that's understandable. I've practically ruined his whole life." I said, determined to confess my true feelings to Jin. "I hope the best for you, man. Even if he rejects you, just know that it's not the end for you. Try to be a better person and prove him that you love him." He sighed as he got up from the couch. "You're going?" I asked, also getting up from the couch. "Yeah, your husband might come any moment now."

"Oh, right.. you want a ride home?" I said as I digged into my pockets, searching for my car keys.

"You're drunk. Stay home and just wait for your husband. I'll get a taxi."

"And you're not drunk?" I chuckled.

"For your information, I only drank one can of beer since I know I still have my night shift at the Hospital."

"Ok, ok. Be careful out there."

I was lying down on the couch, staring into space, while waiting for Jin. I wonder if this is how he feels most of the time when he's waiting for me to arrive home.

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