𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷

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The boughs of the cemetery twist like contorted bones, writhing in a silent scream. Beneath them lie the cold stones, each marking a dwelling place in which no-one is home.

It was more than crying, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope. Jin sank to his knees at the tiny grave, not caring for the damp mud that dirtied his clothes.

His tears mingled with the rain and his gasping wails echoed around the gravestones.

"Dad, wake u-up! Why did you h-have to leave me all a-alone?! Do y-you know how much I h-hate you for leaving me?! Mom already loves someone else! She forgot about you! She d-doesn't even have a clue that her husband attempted t-to r-rape me!"


Jin stopped crying as he heard a voice. He turned around to see his mother standing there with her eyes and mouth wide open.

The beautiful flower bouquet she was holding dropped to the wet ground with a loud thud.

"Jin? What did you say?" she asked her son, her eyes glimmered with watery tears and she felt as if the whole world was about to crumble.

She stepped towards Jin, who was just as shocked.

"M-mother?" Jin got up from the ground and stood there infront of his mother, his lips and hands trembling.

"He tried to r-rape you.. and you didn't even tell me? All this time, my husband abused and tortured my own son?" she muttered as she brought her hands to her head.

"Jin? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she continued, her legs gave up and she collapses on her knees as she imagined what her only son must have been through. Jin went over to her and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"I was scared, mom.  I was scared it would ruin your marriage. I was scared that you'd hate me! I'm still scared, mom! I don't know what to do!" Jin tried to stay calm but he couldn't as he broke down into tears once again.

"Jin, you are my  only son! I would never hate you! You shouldn't be scared. I've never loved this man like I've ever loved your father. He doesn't even compare to how much of a kind gentleman your father was," she said as she embraced her son tightly, silent tears falling out of her eyes.

The icy grey sky restlessly grumbled. The thick blackened clouds were dragged down by the heavy rain which it held in its delicate frame.

The clouds which struggled to withstand the burden of the weight which the rain held, soon gave in.

"Come on, let's go," she started as she got up from the soiled ground and extended her arm to help Jin get up. Jin nodded and took his mother's hand.

Jin walked his mother back to her house in silence, then he ran to his own house as fast as he could as he noticed the rain was getting more and more heavier.

He was infront of his house, hesitating if he should go in or not. With a long sigh, he opened the door and looked around.

He was relieved when he saw Jungkook sleeping soundly on the couch. He saw Jungkook shivering, so he went to grab a warm and thick blanket and covered him.

Jungkook grasped Jin's warm hand and pulled him on the couch next to him. Jin tried to push Jungkook away and leave but he remained as still as a rock when he heard the man sniffing and muttering

"Don't leave me, please..."

Jin turned to look at Jungkook's face more clearly and was surprised when he saw him crying in his sleep. "Jin, please stay with me," he mumbled again.

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