𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟽

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(𝙹𝚒𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅)

The moment the car hit my own car, I assumed I was dead. Then I kept waking and waking. I liked to be unconscious rather than awake. Because when I was awake I could taste the coppery blood pooling in my mouth.

I could feel it grazing my teeth and soaking my tongue. I felt the aching and cracks in my bones.

Each crack felt like rocks were burrowing into my skin. I sucked in cramped air, feeling my lungs caving in on themselves.

I saw the spots in the corners of my vision, making my head feel like the only thing inside of it was static.

I heard a buzzing noise, filling my ears. I felt like I was there for hours, fading and waking and fading and waking.

My agony was the only thing keeping me alive. It was the only thing I could feel anymore.

That's when I closed my eyes and let destiny take its course.

(𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜  𝙿𝙾𝚅)

A man quickly ran out of his car to Jin's car to check on the hurt man. He called 911 immediately when he saw the collapsed man at the steering wheel.

The ambulance came shortly after, and he decided to keep the stranger, Jin,  company since he was all alone. They took Jin to an emergency room and told the other man to wait outside. The man waited impatiently while thinking how bad the man could've been hurt. His face lit up as the doctor finally came out of the emergency room.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Min. Are you related to him by any chance?", he asked while taking his glasses off. "No, I accidentally crashed into his car.", he admitted honestly. Dr. Min looked at him for a couple minutes then said, "Ok. You can go inside to check on him". They entered the emergency room, Jin was unaware of the two men in the room and was staring out the big window.

The doctor excused himself and left the men alone to discuss.

"Do you have any relatives near here to come pick you up?", the man suddenly asked, causing Jin to turn his head and look at him weirdly.

"Who are you?" he muttered in a quiet and tired tone.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Kim Taehyung, what's your name?" he extended his arm to shake Jin's hand. He stared at the hand for some time, before he cautiously shook it and replied to the man's question, "Jin".

"Just Jin?" Taehyung asked with a slight chuckle at the end to brighten up the room. Jin gave him a dispirited smile and said again, "Jeon... Seokjin".

"That's a pretty name. Do you have your phone on you?" he asked with a boxy smile sprad on his face.

"Yeah, but it's out of battery,"Jin said while looking at his dead and slightly cracked phone.

Taehyung took out his phone from his pocket, "Do you know your parents' phone number?"

Jin's face fell at the mention of his parents as all the past events came back to mind.

"Um.. I'll give you my phone," Taehyung said as he noticed Jin's mood change. 

Jin nodded slowly and Taehyung handed him his phone. Jin put the phone to his ear after typing the only number he could remember at that moment.

"Hello, Jin said with a strained voice.

"What?" Jungkook flat out said.

"I'm at the hospital. Could you come pick me up?", Jin plucked up the courage and said it all in one go, without beating around the bush.

"You can't walk back home?", Jungkook said brusquely, with no intention to pick up the man from the hospital.

"Jungkook, please. I can't walk properly and my car is damaged", Jin pleaded, even if he knew nothing would change the stubborn man's mind.

"You'll find a way, for all I care," Jungkook said while rolling his eyes.

"Jungkook! Don't be like thi–"

The line disconnected before Jin could finish his sentence. He glanced awkwardly at the man infront of him and handed him his phone back, "Thank you'.

They were interrupted by the doctor, who entered the room.

"You're free to go," the doctor announced, and left the room again. 

"I can manage on my own now. Thank you again," Jin said while getting up from the bed.

"Oh, right. Nice meeting you?" Taehyung rubbed the back of his head shyly. Jin smiled and said, "Same goes".

They walked together out of the hospital.

"You're sure you can go?" Taehyung asked for the nth time.

"Yeah. I'm fine, Taehyung," Jin reassured.

"Ok. Be safe!" Taehyung waved to the man before he left. Jin chuckled slightly at the man's childness, but then his face fell at the thought of walking all the way back home.

He finally started walking after thinking of the long way to his house.

Every step he took, he could feel the pain in his legs and his whole body.

Everything ached, his legs ached, his body ached, his heart ached.

Even if he could feel his whole body aching, what hurt most was his heart.

Once he was finally infront of his house, he took a deep breath in before he opened the door and accepted whatever the man would do to him.

Surprisingly, no one was insid e the house. He expected the man to be all in his face, but the house was completely silent.

He went into their bedroom, but Jungkook wasn't there neither.

After looking everywhere in the house for the man, he gave up and sat on the soft bed in his bedroom.

He sighed and muttered to himself, "He must be with Jimin..."

He felt this blackness come over him.  Like a blanket, but not a blanket of warmth but a blanket of coldness making him shiver. But somehow it's making his eyes feel heavier and heavier.

Jin finally closed his eyes finally sending him into a dreamless sleep.


"Are you sure he's not home?"

A man's voice resonated in the quiet house.

"Yeah," another man grunted, followed by sloppy and wet kissing sounds filling up the house. A loud slap echoed in the house, foowed by a moan.

They made their way into the nearest  bedrom while groping and kissing eachother. Fortunately, it wasn't the bedroom Jin was sleeping in. The night passed by with loud grunts and moans that Jin could hear clearly from the other bedroom, but he decided to stay silent.

He didn't cry, he didn't laugh, he didn't smile, he didn't even have any emotions. He had his eyes and mouth shut tight, eventually falling back to sleep.

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