𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟾

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Mrs. Kim and her son were alone in the house after Mrs. Jeon departed.

"Jin, is something going on?" his mother asked seriously.

"No,"  Jin replied blankly.

"I will ask you again. Did something else happen?" she repeated as she looked into her son's glossy eyes.

"No, mom! Nothing happened!"

Jin was angry that he couldn't tell his mother the truth. He wanted to tell her so many things and cry on her shoulder, but he knew what would happen if he did.

"Then why is your face so red? You have hand prints on your face! And why were you all alone? Where was your father?" she pointed out as she caressed Jin's face.

"He went out," Jin ignored his mother's question about his red face and gently slapped her hand away from his face.

"Mom, do you love father?" Jin suddenly asked his mother.

"Why does that matter now?" his mother had a confused look on her face.

"Just answer my question, mom."

"Yes, I do love him.. Jin, he may be strict and stern, but deep down I know he loves you so much," she said as she pointed to her heart and smiled.

"You love him?" Jin finally asked after sitting in silence.

"Yes,"  she replied as she fiddled with her wedding ring.

With that, Jin sat up from the coach and went upstairs to his room. He fell onto his bed and let his thoughts run wild . . .

'Should I tell her?'

'No, I can't ruin her marriage.'

'No, she's blinded by her love for him!'

'But she'll hate me if I tell her!'

'But she needs to know the truth!'

'No, I can't do this to her.'

His thoughts shut down as his snores filled up the whole room.

Mrs. Kim entered his room and turned off the lights. She covered him with his blanket and kissed his forehead. She looked at her son sleeping peacefully and left the room.

The next morning

"Jin, come eat breakfast!" Songhee called Jin from downstairs.

Jin slowly got up and went into his bathroom. He looked at his still red face and at the red marks on his wrists.

He washed his face and took a quick shower to calm himself down.

After he put on new clothes and styled his hair, he went downstairs into the kitchen.

He sat down next to his mother and ignored his father, who was already eating the breakfast done by his mother.

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