𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿

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Everything that needed to be done for the wedding has been accomplished.

They've successfully bought the wedding suits, rings, ordered the wedding cake, reserved a wedding venue and sent invitations to everyone, including strangers and relatives.

Jin was more than stressed, knowing that the big day will finally happen tomorrow at 5 pm.

He was dressing up for the family dinner with his soon to be husband and parents-in-law. He looked at himself in the mirror and walked out of his room.

Mrs. Kim caught sight of her son and smiled softly. She called Mrs. Jeon to announce that they could come.

When the Jeons arrived, they all went to the fancy restaurant and sat down at the table and waited for the food to come.
Of course, Jungkook was forced by his parents to come. He looked as uninterested as ever and was texting on his phone the entire time.

Jin glanced at the man who had attempted to rape him in his sleep. They made slight eye contact, but Jin quickly averted his gaze to the floor. Jungkook shook his head in disgust as he looked at the man in front of him.

Minutes later, the waiter arrived with different and sophisticated food. He placed the plates of food on the table and excused himself.

"Ah!" Jin shrieked as Mr. Kim accidentally spilled wine all over Jin's lap.

Mr. Kim brushed his hands on Jin's lap and thighs, pretending that he was cleaning and wiping Jin's clothes.

"I'm ok, father. Stop touching me," Jin whispered as softly as he could.

"Let me clean you," Mr. Kim insisted.

"Father, it's fine," Jin shifted in his seat to avoid his father's touch.

"Come sit on my lap," Jin's father said in the most creepy and perverted way.

Jin's eyes went wide as his little fingers were trembling with fear. He slowly stood up and went over to his father's chair and sat on his lap.

Mrs. Kim stared in shock at their interaction, "Dear, what is going on?"

"A son is sitting on his father's lap. Is that so shocking to you?" he chuckled then continued molesting his son under the table.

Jin felt something poking his butt and closed his eyes in disgust, knowing what it was.

His father grabbed his son's body closer to him and moved his son's ass on his crotch. Jin shrieked and tried to get up, disgusted of his father's way of acting in public.

"Where are you going?" Mr. Kim asked while breathing heavily like a pig.

"He's coming with me," Jungkook interfered and grabbed Jin's hand, leading him into the bathroom.

"Stay here," he said and went out of the bathroom. He returned with spare clothes and a sweaty forehead.

"Change," he demanded as he wiped the sweat off and fixed his hair.

"Could you turn around, please?" Jin asked shyly with his cheeks turned red.

Jungook laughed, but then looked at Jin and said with a serious face, "I've seen your body before."

Jin's face turned even more red as he remembered what happened before.

"Just so you know, what happened before was only an accident. I was tempted and I couldn't control myself. I already have a boyfriend and I don't want you to interfere in our love life," Jungkook said as he watched the man undress and change into the new clothes.

"You have a boyfriend?" Jin asked with his head down.

"Yeah. Any problem?" Jungkook remarked as he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and fixed his clothes.

"No, but does he know about the wedding?" Jin stared at the boring pattern on the bathroom floor.

"None of your business," Jungkook pushed the man out of his way, causing Jin to fall, and left him alone in the bathroom.

Jin got up from the dirty floor and followed the man back to the table. He sat down on his chair and glanced at the furious old man next to him.

He knew what's going to happen when they arrive home and he was more than nervous.

"Come on, are you guys done?" Mrs. Kim asked as she sat up and grabbed her things.

Everyone did the same as Mrs. Kim and they said their goodbyes and went their own way.

The atmosphere in the Kims' car would've been awkward if Sunghee wouldn't have been talking and singing to the radio.

As soon as they arrived home, Jin tried to go to his room but he was stopped by his father.

"Go and wait for me in my room."

Jin hurried to his father's room and waited nervously on the bed while his fingers were shaking terribly.

His father entered the room and went up to Jin and threw him to the ground with a hard slap.

Mr. Kim let out his anger on his son and bruised Jin's clean and pale skin. Sobs and pleases escaped Jin's mouth.

"How dare you humiliate me in public?!"

"Father, p-please..tomorrow..w-wedding!"

Mr. Kim pulled Jin up by his hair and told him to go to his bed. Jin ran out of the room with all the energy he had left.

He ignored his mother's questions and hurried up into his bedroom.

He collapsed onto the clean bed and went to sleep with tears streaming down his red and bruised face.

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