𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟼

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( Jungkook's POV )

My head was pounding. Bladder full. I moved my jaw and felt my mouth was dry, so I tried to open my eyes and go fulfill my needs.

I opened my heavy eyelids and was surprised when I didn't see Jin anywhere. I expected Jin to be at least sleeping by my side, since I couldn't feel him sleeping on top of me. Panicking, I jumped out of bed and sprinted, even if I just woke up and felt like shit, to the kitchen, where he always is.

"Jin?!" I shouted after I couldn't find him anywhere in the house. After shouting and looking for him everywhere in the house, I flopped down onto the couch while rubbing my sleepy eyes, "God!"

I jumped up from the couch as soon as I heard the door open and close. I released a big sigh of relief at the sight of Jin. I approached him, "Where were you?"

I noticed how pale-looking and fragile he looked; it scared me. He didn't answer me, he didn't even look me in the eye. He just took off his shoes and coat, and walked past me. "Answer my question!" I yelled, getting impatient and concerned. I saw him jump slightly, but he regained himself and continued to ignore me.

I grabbed his wrist to stop him from walking any further, "Jin, do you have something to tell me?"

His hands and legs were trembling, his eyes were watery, and his lip was quivering. Seeing him act like that made me confused, and also really furious.

"Did somebody do something to you?" My voice went an octave lower, imagining somebody hurting my baby. Despite having ignored me earlier, he quickly shook his head while looking me in the eye, "N-no, it's nothing. I-I just.. um.. feel slightly under the weather."

"Umm.. will you continue to love me even if I get fat and ugly?" He was holding my hands with his own shaking hands. His question caught me off guard, but I caressed his face and said honestly, "What are you even saying? You'll always be beautiful, even if you get "fat" or "ugly. I'll still continue to love you, no matter what."

"Really? Even if-if.."

I noticed him hesitate, so I grabbed his hand, "If what?"

"Even if I ... nothing, it's nothing. Sorry," he walked past me, leaving me there confused and worried about him.

I figured I should put that aside and not pressure him to tell me what's been bothering him, even though I really wanted to get it out of him.

I sat down on a stool at the counter and watched him how he started making breakfast. He was struggling to keep his eyes open and stumpled over his own feet.

"Jin," I said, catching his attention.


"You know it's obvious that you're lying to me right now, don't you?"

He visibly gulped, "l-lying about what?"

"That nothing's wrong with you when you've been vomiting uncontrollably these past few days," I said, pictures of him sitting on his knees while holding the toilet bowl came back to mind, making me cringe just at the thought.

"I.. I.. Jungkook," he took in a deep breath and placed the fresh, steaming breakfast on the table and sat down in front of me.

"Please, don't get mad," he muttered while looking down at his fingers.

"I won't. Just tell me," I held his hand, trying to calm him down.

He hesitated for some time, then when I thought he was about to tell me the truth, he just shook his head and stood up again, "Nevermind, it's nothing."

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