PEINafter he threatened to kill you and told you that you were useless. you grew distant to pein and finished the missions as fast and perfect as you can to avoid that conflict again. you barely spoke to him and never complained despite being extremely drained from all the work.
He summoned you to the tower one night before you headed home after your tiresome mission. You walked up to him while he was sitting on the edge of the building with his back to you and konan leaning on the wall next ot him."you summoned me pein sama?" you knelt down in respect.
"yes...i have something important i want to discuss with you"
"ofcourse anything"
"konan and i been noticing your preformance ever since you started working for us. you have great potential and can do all missions perfectly and quickly while crafting smart tactics for each one seperatey all by yourself. ofcourse effort like that wont go unnoticed to me so we decided to reward you"
you smiled looking up at konan "reward me!?...with what?"
konan spoke "we are offering a new position...its less tiring than this but more dangerous and you'll be working along side pein and i directly"
"id be honored to take that position!" you lit up.
pein smiled with his back still to you and spoke "good i knew you'd agree. the new job is to become a part of my organisation, the akatsuki. i want you to meet me tomorrow at the north east border of the village where i will take you to meet the rest of the members"
you bowed your head slightly."Thank you, ill try my best not to disappoint you"
"i doubt you'll disappoint me" he said as he stood up and left with konan, leaving you to squeal internally in happiness. You are finally a part of something and not his errand girl anymore! so he finally recognizes you as full fledged shinobi who can take up more than just stupid errands !
you were at the inn sulking, after spending the entire day visitng shops and stores looking for literally any job, but so far you had no luck. you got out of bed and headed back to your burnt house and sat between the rubble and burnt up wood, cursing your luck and praying to jashin outloud " please jashin sama help me out of this mess...tell me what to do!...if only you can send me an angel"
"your fucking angel is here bitch" you heard a fimiliar voice speak and saw hidan emerging from the shadows taking a seat next to you " i knew you be here crying over you stupid fucking house" he continued poking your side.
"what do you want hidan! not in the mood to see anyone right now"
"werent you the one who asked for a fucking angel a second ago" he retored
"yeah! a fucking angel not the devil himself" you snarled
"heh well this handsome devil's got a job for you"
"...a job! for me?! you found me a job?? hidan you are the best!" you cheered but stopped and grabbed his collar roughly "if you say anything remotely close to prostitution im chopping your balls off and feeding them to wild dogs"
"hah! if a bitch like you was a prostitute offering free service, all the men in the world would cut their balls off!" he mocked while you fumed staring at him angrily then he continued."for jashin's sake calm the fuck down y/n im joking! i spoke to the leader of the organization i work with and recommended you to him and he agreed for you to join"
you relaxed your grip on his collar and looked at him deeply." you did that..for me?"
"i told you before jashinists should stick together y/n, now you can crash at my place without feeling awkward"

FanfictionHey guys ! there are alot of these around but i wanted to write my own. (Alot of spelling mistakes because it's a baby book. Grammar Nazis beware) y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. the characters in the story are Pein - Hidan - Kakuzu De...