(This is by far my most favorite chapter because I love that Bonnie and Clyde style relationship lol in fact it's too adorable!
Full of cuteness, fluff, and crime)
You were gearing up to head out to see Pein and take your first mission of the day but instead he showed up to your room himself. You greeted him with a smile and he entered kissing your forehead “good morning goddess, I hope you slept well”
“I’m guessing by that, that today’s mission is extremely reckless and hard huh?”
“There is a private celebration held for the Daimyo’s youngest children, as in the small princes and princesses. All the children as forced to attend it each 5 years in a secret location so the ties between the countries can start at a young age. Sadly most the children are spoiled brats and end up creating conflicts instead. I want you to take the children hostage while I give my demands to the daimyos.” He explained
“what! I can’t handle spoiled children! Also, won’t that grab too much attention from the nations?!”
“it’ll be like black mail these Daimyos are easily scared and won’t talk if threatened directly”
“so that is where the other five paths are going” you said and he nodded
“I’ll tell you the details along the way. Let’s head out for now”
You both sprinted west towards the land of snow where the private celebration was supposed to be held. You frowned trying to make your way into the strong blowing winds reaching a Japanese style stronghold. You both jumped onto the wall, discreetly landing into the court yard. “I want you to sneak in and unlock that window for me. We need to get to the children without sounding any alarm or causing any ruckus. If you are caught, kill the witnesses and hide the bodies. I'm counting on you y/n” he said looking at you deeply. Y
ou gave him a quick kiss and nodded then preformed your jutsu liquefying your body and seeping into the walls. It didn’t take you long to help Pein break in and in seconds the entire castle was under your control with the children locked up in one room. You stood there seeing all the children sitting in fear and whimpering as Pein was busy passing the message to the other Daimyos by his six paths. Their ages ranged from 4 to 8, about 60 kids all dressed up in the finest silk and gold.
He pushed you to sit down on the ground and he sat down next to you. “The message is sent…now we have to wait it out”
“what did you ask for?”
“Money mostly and a few ship and border and bridge passes to smoothen up the future missions for the members”
“well I'm gonna chill here for a while. I'm tried and still a bit freezing from the outside weather”
He smiled and pulled you in for a hug rubbing your back and shoulders to warm you up. You cuddled into his chest hugging him back then heard the children giggling. You both pulled away seeing the kids gossiping.
“onee chan! Are you two in love?” one of the kids yelled as the rest giggled.
You blushed and looked at Pein but then you got an idea “yes! we are but we aren’t married yet sadly” you said as Pein looked at you confused
A little girl gasped “Why not onee chan?”
You got close to her and knelt down “because we don’t have any money…that’s why we took you guys hostage, so your fathers can pay us”

FanfictionHey guys ! there are alot of these around but i wanted to write my own. (Alot of spelling mistakes because it's a baby book. Grammar Nazis beware) y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. the characters in the story are Pein - Hidan - Kakuzu De...