accidental grope

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( unless its hidan, then i dont think its accidental )


Pein was cleaning out his office so he carried a bunch of useless scrolls and piles of paper to throw outside. he could barely see where he is going."need any help pein sama" you asked standing infront of him. "no im fine" he spoke not paying attention. he assumed that he reached the door and extended out his hand to reach the handle but instead he grabbed something soft and you shreiked making him drop all the scrolls to the ground." y/n! you made me drop everything!" he looked at you angrily with his hand still on your chest until he noticed and retracted it away"im sorry...i didnt see where i was going" he apologised shyly as you looked at him with a faint blush and nodded your head then went down to pick up the scrolls and papers and you left the office quick not saying a word.

"i cant believe i just did that" pein said to himself looking at his hand.


You were helping deidara look for his eyescope which he dropped somewhere in the room after he accidentally set of an explosion in his face. you picked the wrong time to bend down on all fours and check under the bed, since hidan was passing by the room. His smirk grew devilishly as he approached you and grabbed your butt giving it a tight squeeze, making you jump and hit your head with the bed. "HIDAN YOU STUPID PERVERT"  you got up and took out a kunai stabbing him in the palm making him scream in pain. " serves you right you creep un!" deidara said walking into the room. "that fucking hurt! it was a fucking joke!" hidan yelled.

"dont you dare touch me like that seems like dislocating your shoulder back then wasnt enough for you to get the message!" you yelled grabbing him from his collar. " well what the fuck ever bitch!" hidan retorted and left you with deidara. "worth it" he said to himself with a smirk ripping the kunai out from his hand.


you were in bed sulking under the covers, over the fact that your face was in the bingo book as a mass criminal now, until kakuzu walked in. "y/n you need to stop sulking over this stupid happend so move on and get over it"

"i want to be alone and contemplate over my life" you said stubbornly

"you are acting like a child for a mature immortal y/n! now get up i got you some lunch" he said leaning agaisnt the door frame.

"no!" you yelled at him and with that something snapped in him. he walked you to you trying to yank the covers off of you forcefully " i said get up now!" he yelled 

"no leave me alone!" you kicked him in the knee making him lose his balance and fall on top of you. you quickly grew silent as kakuzu pushed himself up and noticed he was straddling your waist with both his hands on your chest. A blush flooded both your faces. he gulped and quickly got off you leaving the room " you have 5 mins to come down to eat!" he yelled out.


you where sitting with deidara watching him mold his clay. it was so calming and satisfying since he was a pro at this. " you are so good deidara" you said leaning in closer to him to see more details. Hidan walked in and saw how close you two were and decided to annoy you both "hah who ever thought a girly looking guy like you could find a nice peice of ass like that!"

you eyes gleamed as you launched at hidan making him sprint out the room. deidara quickly grabbed you and pulled you back "He isnt worth it un! dont waste your energy on him! you are royalty and he is trash yeah! calm down un!" you froze in his grip and whispered " uhm...deidara...your hands"

he looked down and notcied that his hands were on your chest he quickly retracted them. "i-im sorry princess was an accident un!"

"its ok" you said calmly, both a blushing mess then you walked away calmly and avoided each other for the entire day.


Sasori told you climb on top of the shelf in his room to retreive some old tools he had. you went up and started looking for them "i dont see anything sasori" you said

"look behind the spare puppet arms" he said standing underneath you. you searched between all the old books and puppets but you found a big centipede instead. you moved your hand away quickly (forgetting you were a puppet that couldnt be poisoned) and you lost your footing and fell backwards on top of sasori. your face was buried in his neck "you stupid brat! cant you do anything right!" he pushed you off him with his hands on your chest. you blushed and stared at him to notice. he looked down at his hands and gave them a squeeze making you jump and pull away from him. "hmm they are still soft even after the liquid preservative soak".

you slapped him making his head twist 360 degrees "YOU ARE UNBELIVABLE!!" you got up and left the room quickly fumming at his bluntness.


kisame and you were sparring out in the hideouts training area. He was teaching you how to escape any hold or lock espacially when the aggressor is bigger than you in size. he had his arm wrapped around your neck standing behind you with a blade to your throat." this is very important to learn y/n. i dont want anyone using you as weak bait to threaten me while we are on missions so i want you to try to escape so imagine this is real situation where i could stab you any moment" he explained.

"ok ill do my best"you nodded.

"ok begin" he said and quickly you tried elbowing him in the stomach but he didnt budge then you tried to hold his arm and flip him forward but he was too heavey so you quickly preformed a body liquifiying jutsu to seep your body out his grip but as soon as you escaped, he grabbed you arm quickly "not quick enough y/n!" he brought you back to him harshly slamming your body agaisnt his. you struggled to get out of his grip before he could lock his arm agaisnt your neck again, it seemed to be working considering your small form in comparison to his. so he snuck his hands under your arms and held you in place. you suddenly froze and laughed nervously. " uhm kisame..."

"yes y/n?"

"uhm...your hands..."

he looked at where his hands were and kept them there smirking " you think the agressor would care where his hands are?" he chuckled deeply near your ear.

your face turned a dark shade of crimoson as you mustered you all the power you had grabbing his shoulders and tossing him over you slamming him into the wall. 

he groaned in pain and got up "good jo-" he stopped and looked around but you werent in sight. he smiled proudly and looked at his hands "she's pretty good"


you were running away from hidan down the hall after calling him a " puritanical misogynistic moron" and then proceeded to humiliate him infornt of everyone making them all laugh. You reached the end of the corridor and you quickly turned left bumping into itachi knocking him and yourself to the floor.

you got up and dragged him with you into a tight closet room waiting for hidan to pass by and leave. it was dark and you were breathing heavily.

"are you alright y/n? did he hurt you?" itachi asked worriedly

"no im fine...i kinda deserved it" you answered

"well he is gone now lets get out of here before he comes back" itachi extended his hand in the dark trying to reach the door knob but his hand landed on your chest instead. you gasped and whispered yelled "i-itachi what are you doing?!" he sled his hand across your chest trying to understand what he was touching "is that what it think it is?" he asked retracting his hand away.

"yes...yes it was" you said awkwardly trying to reach for the knob.

"im very sorry...its really dark and i cant activate my sharingan for a while"he apologized quietly.

you managed to open the door and you both exited with blushing faces feeling extremely awkward.

"HAH! FOUND YOU HYUGA!" hidan smirked running after you again. you paniced and pushed itachi infront of hidan and ran away apologising for dragging itachi into this.

"does this girl make everyone act silly around her?" he said to himself as hidan moved him aside and run.

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