In public he uses your name but he says it a gentle tone not in his usual stern voice. When he is in private being tender and sweet he calls you love or dear. And when he is angry he calls you by your family name followed by a deadly stare (that’s when you know you fucked up XD)
In public you call him Pein sama or Leader. When you are alone you call him by his real name, Nagato. When you are angry you like to piss him off so you call him a false god (you either run for your life or stand your ground depending who is at fault here XD )
In public he calls you bitch or y/n depending on his wild savage mood. In private you know he is being flirty when he calls you his bitch or babe. He sometimes shows his tender side when he often screws up and gets you angry, so he calls you angel or goddess. When he is angry at you he calls you swear words you’ve never heard of even.
In public you just call him by his name or bastard . In private you call him idiot or moron to piss him off like he does to you.When you want him to do something for you, you call him my jashinist or babe and if that doesn’t work, you flirt by calling him sexy devil.
When you are angry all profound things in the world come out of your mouth making him he smirk because he made you crack, so you try not to give it to him and just give him the silent treatment instead.Kakuzu
In public he literally ignores everything about you even your name so he calls you woman or new girl in his deep scary voice. In private he calls you by your name calmly; it still comes out as creepy because of his voice but at least he says your name. When he is being flirty he calls you my precious girl or my gem. When he is angry (let’s just hope you never anger him enough cause that’ll be dangerous) he calls you an idiot or a useless woman.
In public you call him by his name. In private you call him kazu and you extend the “u” depending on what you want from him. When you are being flirty you call him your prisoner. When you are angry you call him a selfish greedy asshole.
In public he calls you by your formal addressing which is princess y/n. In private he calls you by your name and when he is being cute and flirty he calls you my princess. When he is angry at you (which he rarely is) he calls you stupid or idiot.
In public and in private you like to call him dei and he doesnt mind it much. When you want to annoy him you call him blondie. And when you are flirty you call him your prince.
When you are angry you become ruthless and call him a failure.Sasori
In public he calls you by your name. In private he calls you my puppet or my doll and when he is being sweet he calls you my greatest creation. When angry he calls you brat or idiot.
In public and in private you call him by his name. You like to call him sassy (sasi) when you need his affection. When you are angry you call him lifeless emotionless puppet.
You both are big fans of nicknames. In public he calls you my student and in private he calls you star fish after seeing your weird sleeping pose. He annoys you by calling you shrimp cause you are shorter than him (its not normal to be 2 meters tall kisame !). He usually uses your real name when he is angry or disappointed to show you how serious he is.
In public you call him sensei. In private you call him kisa. When you are being playful you call him senpai and when flirty, you address him by his family name, hoshigaki. When you are angry with him you call him fish face.
In public he calls you by your name. In private he likes teasing you by calling you hyuga. When he is being sweet he calls you flower. When he is angry he calls you by your name but you could hear the disappointment in his voice.
In public you call him by his name. In private you tease him by calling him Uchiha. When you want to be sweet you call him tatchi. And when you are mad at him you call him a disappointment (never call him that ever!)

FanfictionHey guys ! there are alot of these around but i wanted to write my own. (Alot of spelling mistakes because it's a baby book. Grammar Nazis beware) y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. the characters in the story are Pein - Hidan - Kakuzu De...