You heard blood curdling screams around you. You coughed harshly and opened your mouth to take in some air. Your lungs still burned with every breath you took because of the poisonous gas you inhaled; luckily you were immune to these poisons but it still burned. You opened your eyes too look around and saw the shinobis, guarding you, were slaughtered brutally. A hand grabbed your chin roughly raising your face up. The light from the window was directly shining in your eyes that you could barely make out the dimmed person in front of you but he looked so authoritative, so familiar.
“Nagato?” you asked weakly.
He grabbed your jaw tighter inching his face close to yours “don’t call me by that name!!…you don’t deserve it”
You gulped and stared at his face in fear. <What has gotten into him> you thought.
“Naga-…Pein...where am I? What’s going on?”
He leaned next to your ear “No…you are gonna answer my questions first… why did you lie to me?...i trusted you with all my secrets but you were nothing but a two faced snake all this time”
you began to shake, he was scaring the hell out of you. “Pein… I don’t know what you are talking about…I didn’t lie or tell anyone anything….i would never hurt you… I love you”
He angrily punched the wall next to you making it crack and stared into your soul with his ringed purple orbs “don’t say those words!! DON’T LIE TO ME!! You belonged to the man who killed my friend…who murdered a part of me because of his arrogance!!!! YOU HAVE HIS FILTHY BLOOD IN YOUR VEINS!! How do you live with yourself knowing you are related to such trash!?”
You stared into his eyes “I see…you are talking about Lord Hanzo… yes he is related to me…closer than you think even...but I don’t follow him…I left his side long before you showed up to the rain village, after I heard what he did to those poor Ame orphans. I even tried killing him myself but failed so I had to run off. And after I met you I realized it was you…you and konan were part of those Ame orphans. I wanted desperately to join your cause because I felt like I was redeeming all the errors Hanzo has done to you in the past.”
He slammed his hand next to you once more making you flinch and shut up instantly. He just kept staring at you, his eyes dripping with blood lust. You squirmed trying to get away but your body was still tied and aching from the beatings you got earlier from the other shinobis. You had no choice, no escape, nothing. You looked at the ground "Kill me …if you think it’ll make you feel better or if you think it’ll be enough to avenge your friend…I’m sorry for everything that has happened to you Nagato…I hope you keep your promise to Yahiko and finally find true peace” you said as your voice cracked with tears streaming down your cheeks.
“y/n stop talking…it’s time for you to rest” he spoke calmly with a cold tone that sent shivers down your spine. He released a black pole from his palm and gripped your face so you would look at him; he wanted to see the pain in your eyes as you left this world. He used all his might to stab you in the chest with the pole, piercing your body all the way. You screamed at the aching feeling in your chest as you looked directly into pein’s eyes. You coughed out masses of blood and fell limp into his arms with your eyes still wide open. He backed away and dropped to his knees as your body fell forward onto the floor; you open eyes still haunting him, judging him from beyond death itself. He crawled towards you and cradled your body close to his, closing your lifeless eyes gently with his fingers. He could feel the guilt and regret explode in his mind. What has he done?
Far off into the mountain side, Hidan searched high and low for you but he couldn’t find anything that would give him a clue to where you are. He felt a pang in his heart as he wandered around like a lost puppy desperately calling your name trying to see if you were there.
He fell to his knees and grabbed his necklace worriedly and started praying with teary eyes “Jashin sama, please let me find y/n...please let her be okay…I don’t think I can continue my life without her ...without her my entire immortal life would be a painful hell....she is a really good bitch ...the ones you keep not the ones you just toss know those woman who-...OUCH!"A sharp rock hit his head making him stop and turn around quickly to find the culprit who threw it.

FanfictionHey guys ! there are alot of these around but i wanted to write my own. (Alot of spelling mistakes because it's a baby book. Grammar Nazis beware) y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. the characters in the story are Pein - Hidan - Kakuzu De...