Meeting again

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You ran as fast as you could to your house and grabbed all your stuff thinking if that really was a god then you are in deep trouble! you got to run away before he catches and kills you.

You took your bag and opened your house door only to be greeted by the god himself. He pushed you in closing the door behind him. "Going some where y/n?" He said You stepback quick and tried to jump out the nearest window fearing your life. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him "youre a good and quick escape artist i see"

"Let me sorry i didnt mean to break the rules just dont kill me i have alot of things i want to do in my life!" .you struggled against his tight grip.

Pein relaxed his grip but didnt let go. "Ill let you go and forgive you if you join me"

You were baffled by what he said. "Join you?"

"Yes the akatsuki organization...i could use a person like you. I have looked into your records, you are quite mischievous. So die here or join. Your choice"

You looked at your wrist then at him. "If i join will you guarantee my safety...i mean since you are a god an all?"

"Interesting wager...i guess i could but you should know no one is truly safe in the shinobi world"

"Okay then...ill accept your offer kami sama"

"Call me pein sama"

You nodded as he let go of your wrist that was now bruised and exited the door. You followed him not so far behind.


Its been years since youve seen hidan. You took up on his offer and became a jashinit yourself. You were walking back from one of your rituals in the middle of the night until a triple red blade came slamming inches away from your neck into the tree behind you. You dodged and took your fighting stance "whos there?!" You yelled. Just then a silver haired man emerged from the darkness "its your fucking lucky day princess.. a lucky day to be my sacrifice."

"Sacrifice?" you said to yourself. You looked at the man from head to toe and noticed his jashin necklace and smug face.

"Hidan? Is that you?" You asked bewildered. His smirk turned into a serious look "how the fuck do you know my name bitch?"

"Heh its me you idiot ! Y/n from yugakure...have i changed that much for you to not recognize me?"

He analysed you and noticed you were wearing the necklace he gave you along time ago.

"Y/n? ... you are finally a jashinist too now? ...this is fucking awesome!"

"Yeah i guess we have alot of catching up to do"

"Fuck yeah! ill buy you a drink and we can talk about how jahsin sama has been treating you"

You nodded and followed him to the nearby town.


almost 70 years have passed and your immortality has proven its worth. your face was still young and your body full of energy. you never stopped fighting your way through the black market to make a name for yourself but eventually you got bored and decided to retire. you were walking back to your house that you built yourself in the forest but was shocked to see two men waiting for you at your doorstep. they looked sketchy as hell dressed in the same long cloud printed jackets, one man was armed with a sythe and the other had a mask hiding his face.

you approached them carefully "can i help you gentlemen?" you announced catching thier attention.the masked man turned to you and spaced out, as the silver haired one spoke "you bet it bitch! weve been fucking looking all over for you!"

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