Hidan - Lemon2

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(this is maybe the longest lemon I wrote… Kakuzu was right Hidan’s rituals do take a lot of time XD anyways enjoy)

“Hidan where the fuck are you taking me?” you asked as he pulled you after him by your hand while you were blindfolded. The two of you were on a month long mission near Yugakure with Kakuzu and Hidan disappeared each day at night for a whole three hours, but this time he snatched you away with him into the unknown darkness.

You heard the sound of a waterfall with the strong smell of volcanic mud. “Hidan we aren’t supposed to cross to Yugakure! We are wanted here remember!” You panicked. 

“Shut your face for ten seconds will ya!” he yelled then suddenly he stopped and carried you up in his arms making you squeal as the sound of the waterfall got higher and higher. You held on to him and felt him walk through the waterfall making you both soaking wet. “Hidan! what the fuck!” you yelled.

He put you down gently and reached behind your head untying your blindfold. You adjusted your eyes to the dim light. It was a cave behind a waterfall and there was a candle lit corridor going deeper into the dim lit path. You looked at him questioningly while he was looking at you proudly with his usual smirk.

“Where are we?” you asked and he smiled and started walking in the cave taking your hand “you can follow to find out…but I thought you would be fucking familiar with this place considering you are a Jashinist too”

You looked around “Nope. I don’t know what this is…is it the cult’s base?”

“sort of like that, but it is a more personal base. Used for specific rituals and ceremonies”

You smiled excitedly “ceremonies?...I’m so curious right now! Tell me more!”

You both reach a big cavern light entirely with candles with a massive Jashin symbol drawn on the ground, a weird altar next to it and another big symbol on the ceiling of the cave. It was weirdly very warm considering outside was freezing. But then your noticed the big hot spring pond near the end of the symbol releasing all the warm steam. You smiled and looked at him “babe this is amazing…what is this place?”

He got close wrapping his arms around your waist “y/n, we’ve been together for a while and I thought we would fucking seal the deal between us with Jashin sama as our witness”

You blushed and looked at him deeply “this is a bonding ceremony?”

“yes…I was planning this for months now…I just want you to know I fucking love you and us being here will be the proof of that…and of course I mean officially ”

You couldn’t contain your excitement and hugged him tightly “ Yes! Yes ! yes! I thought you would never want to make anything official between us” He smiled but you pulled away worriedly “but I know nothing of this ceremony, How come?”

“the ceremony steps are bestowed upon the male worshippers by Jashin sama…Bitches like you don’t know about it because we want you to fully succumb and trust us enough to do anything to you” he got close and whispered “and I mean anything”

You blushed deeply and nodded “I'm all yours baby boy. Do what you want”

“good now strip bitch” he smirked

You frowned "for second there i thought you were going to be sweet and not a perverted animal"
He took of his cloak "I’m supposed to do it too...we will soon draw some of our blood for the altar then we will be in the presence of Jashin sama himself! So you need to show full trust and no fucking hesitation or else our relation will be fucking frowned upon. Got that?"

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