(I’m sorry for making you all cry yesterday💕💕So here is a little chapter that is kind of new, like that old Zetsu chapter. I don’t know if you like these two characters. I wanted to add them to the list before but they are just so hard to write. So this is like practice 😂
Enjoy the sweetness or horror, depends how you see them🌻)
----------------------------------------------Because of your recent health problem, Pein forbade you from leaving the hideout until you felt well because it may put some missions at risk. The members were all out, so you were wandering around the halls since you had nothing better to do and bumped into a something or someone at the corner of the hallway knocking you back to the ground.
“ow!!” you winced from the impact then looked up quickly taking your stance thinking it was an intruder then you sweat dropped after taking a good look at the ridiculous man; it was Tobi.
“Tobi is sorry! Are you alright y/n chan?!” he said in his usual loud tone. It was the idiot who you always bumped into at Pein’s tower. Pein never really made him an official member or gave him any missions; he was just there for no reason like some kind of S-rank intern and he weirdly showed a liking to you, which was weird as hell.
He gave you his hand and helped you up.
“Tobi! You freaked me out! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in Amegakure?”
“Pein sama told me to watch you. He told Tobi you were sick! Are you sick Y/n chan?!”
You frowned and shook your head “I don’t need a babysitter, Tobi. Especially not you! you can go back to whatever you do and I’ll go back to avoiding you” you said coldly and stepped back from him but bumped into Zetsu this time and cursed your luck being trapped between the two guys.
“I DON’T NEED TO BE WATCHED YOU GUYS! GO AWAY!!!” you yelled feeling cornered
“Feisty today aren’t you? **the death of her child must’ve kept her on edge**”
“OH NO!!! Y/N CHAN IS THAT TRUE?! Tobi is sorry“
You frowned “Guys honestly stay out my way. I need peace and relaxation, so I won’t end up slaughtering you” you said and left to your room.
You sat on your bed and Zetsu emerged from the ground “y/n…are you feeling alright?”
“Zetsu, I’m fine!” you said angrily
“**that’s a lie** you look devastated still…I got you something that could help with your loss but I don’t know if you would like it” the white side said cheerfully
You looked at him curiously “what is it? I hope it’s not Tobi wrapped up in a box”
He chuckled “No. I got you this **I thought it was a stupid idea**” he pulled out a small potted cactus and handed it to you. It was cute and had f/c colored flowers on it. (I’m a plant momma to 4 cute baby cactuses)
“Some clan’s raised and kept plants if they lost someone dear to them. Taking care of the flower will help you out of your loss. The cactus symbolizes warmth, protection and endurance. And the flower is a symbol of maternal love because it can sustain and thrive in harsh conditions. ** Symbolic of a mother's unconditional love. I admire that for a second there you were almost a good mother**”
You smiled feeling some tears in your eyes “Thank you Zetsu…you are really sweet… I never knew you would understand motherly love considering you aren’t human. Especially you” you said the last part to his dark side then gave both sides a kiss on the cheek to thank them and went to put the plant on the edge of the window to get some sun. He smiled and sunk back into the ground.
You stared and poked the prickly plant for an hour until you heard the door open and Tobi walked in.
You sighed tiredly “Tobi… I have a headach-“
“it’s fine y/n chan…I won’t bother you. Konan chan told me to remind you to take your medicine” he said pointing to the pills on your table then skipped into the room taking the pills and handed them to you with a glass of water.
“Tobi, why are you being so nice? We barely speak, let alone meet” you said with a frown looking at him skeptically. “ I’ll be honest with you…I don’t trust you one bit”
He titled his head “you don’t?...Then Tobi will make you trust Tobi!” he said with determination and pulled your hand making you sit on the bed and sat next to you “Tobi thinks y/n is a good addition to the Akatsuki because of her skills! Skill like that shouldn’t be wasted or lost in sickness”
You smiled and looked down feeling flattered “I’m not *that* strong… I bet you are waay stronger”
“Oooh y/n chan is so modest” he said dramatically
You smiled and looked at him “Hey Tobi”
“Yes y/n chan?”
“why do you hide your face? did something happen to you?” you asked curiously
He giggled and titled his head “Tobi is just too handsome for the naked eye” then giggled again
You laughed and got close “Come on show me. How bad can it be?”
He shook his head and moved away from you making you pout. “aww come on… I desperately need something to distract me from my misery right now” you complained
He sighed and nodded “Tobi will let you touch but you need to promise to close your eyes y/n chan”
You nodded excitedly and closed your eyes then felt him place his hand over them so you won’t cheat. You heard shuffling of fabric and he took your hand with his other and placed it on his cheek. You traced the side of his scared face softly and touched the other smooth one then cupped his face with both your hands. “I’m surprised you trust me with this Tobi…Thank you” you said sliding your thumb over his lips by accident. He blushed slightly and moved away lowering his mask quickly and let go of you. You opened your eyes and smiled “you were right… you are too handsome for the naked eye” you said making him giggle and cover his masked face in his hands shyly.
You spent the entire day with him and he took you out the hideout and made you promise not to tell leader. You did the stupidest things with this guy, like sitting upside down on trees and splashing each other with water at the nearby lake and eating a lot of sweets till you couldn’t move. You still didn’t understand how he ate that amount without showing an inch of his face. His powers were very weird when he challenged you to play tag and was completely intangible!
Long story short you fell on your face multiple times until you noticed he had a small interval before his body was able to become tangible again and you had to set a lot of traps and tricks just to tag him back. He was very impressed by how sharp you were and gave him a hard time till he was able to catch you again.
At the end of the day you both sat on the porch talking and joking around. He asked you some weirdly deep questions and you enjoyed talking to him about everything. Eventually, he tired you out and you were starting to get drowsy because you were pumped with medicine, so he helped you to bed and you thanked him for the great day you had “Tobi had a great day to!! you know where to find me if you want to have more fun y/n chan!”
You nodded and laid down to rest.---------(Bonus End)----------
The masked man left your room and headed towards the main hall.
“Are you done with your research?” Zetsu asked emerging from the wall.
Tobi looked at Zetu with his sharingan and spoke in a more manly rough voice “Yes. I’ve already earned her trust and she has proven herself… she is intelligent and quick, her moves are smooth considering her health status and she has a strong mindset. Tell Pein I agree to keep her around just for a while longer but don’t let any problems like this happen ever again! This was a big set back to the Akatsuki. We need all the power we can get for what’s coming next. I want everything ready by then prepare to change locations” he ordered and Zetsu nodded disappearing back into the wall as Tobi teleported himself away using his red gleaming eye.

FanficHey guys ! there are alot of these around but i wanted to write my own. (Alot of spelling mistakes because it's a baby book. Grammar Nazis beware) y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. the characters in the story are Pein - Hidan - Kakuzu De...