When they get hurt

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Nagato has used a lot of his rinnegan's powers lately and was feeling very weak and sick that he could barely use Pein's body anymore. So you had to do  double the work to keep everything in order. You went to the akatsuki hideout to give everyone their assigned missions in their regular weekly meeting.
You walked in holding your files and stood in front of the members.
"Good morning everyone, Pein sama won't be joining us today since he has important things to attend to so ill be giving you your assigned missions"you said dryly
"Judging by your face it seems something bad has happened to him" Sasori spoke
"Is he dead ??!! Did you fucking kill him to take his place ?" Hidan yelled
"I dont think anything could kill that guy hidan" Kakuzi said glaring at hidan
"What do we do now that he is dead un?" Deidara asked.
"HE IS NOT DEAD !! HE IS AWAY ON TRIP! NOW SHUT THE HELL UP AND COME TAKE YOUR GOD DAMNED FILES!!" You snapped at every one. Then left angrily after handing them their files. You got back to Nagato who was in bed sleeping and caressed his face gently waking him up.
"Y/n you are back how was the meeting?"
"Nevermind that how are you feeling?"
"Better i guess thanks for helping around. I'm working you to the bone again"
You smiled and got in bed next to him cuddling against him.
"Then i guess i earned some rest " you said making him chuckle and wrap his arms around you weakly.


Your boyfriend once again managed to piss Deidara of during a mission making the blonde go in full berserk mode blowing off Hidan’s limbs. You took cover behind a rock while all this happened and eventually the yelling stopped and you got up worriedly looking at the mess. Deidara stormed off leaving the two of you and you ran to Hidan’s side. He lost a leg and both his arms and his head were tossed aside. You held his head up and frowned ”Hidan how many times do I have to tell you to stopping pissing Deidara off!!!”

“shut the fuck up y/n!! he started it! That dumb blonde bitch!!”

“Hidan…the boy was minding his own business blowing up some cute clay butterflies and you thought it was funny to walk up to him and said hey blondie since you are a natural blow me, and he did but not in that meaning”

“haha you have to admit that’s fucking hilarious” he started laughing at his own wit and you rolled your eyes and looked for the rest of him then headed to Kakuzu to stitch him back up.

“no this is the 5th time the week I’m not doing shit” Kakuzu said and tried closing his room’s door but you put your foot and squeezed in “Come on Kakuzu!! ill pay you please put him back or else ill be stuck stitching him myself!” you whined still hugging onto Hidan’s head.

“OYY! Don’t talk about me like im some shitty burden!!” Hidan yelled and you gave Kakuzu the puppy dog eyes.” please Kakuzu he is annoying already! You really want me to suffer that bad!”

Kakuzu sighed “I expect a 1000 ryo at my desk by this afternoon”

You smiled happily and threw Hidan’s head at Kakuzu and left to apologize to Deidara.


You were both on a mission fighting two big muscly mortals for a bounty. The first mass of muscle tried to swing a punch at you while you were preparing your jutsu. So Kakuzu used his threads to toss you away from the battle field getting distracted as the other guy swung a heavy blow to Kakuzu’s head knocking him out from the sudden impact. That’s when you went into a psycho craze girlfriend mode and slaughtered them up in seconds for laying a hand on your man.  You took Kakuzu back to the hideout and Sasori checked him making sure he didn’t have any broken bones.

He woke up and you quickly held his hand making him know you were there for him. He put his hand on his forehead “My bounties…they ran off?”

“no I killed them and handed them in…your money is over there” you pointed to a suitcase on his desk” then you snapped realizing what he said“ SERIOSULY!! You are asking about your money!! You almost had a brain concussion! Is that all you care about !!!”

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