(I wanted to post this tomorrow but I finished it up quick so you guys would stop crying XD Everyone is on their period I'm guessing.
Anyways this is a semi cute scenario, so enjoy the cute jelly men
Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. Point em out if you find any)
Pein decided to change the hideout’s location yet again to avoid any suspicions. So all of you packed up and headed to the new place. It was located in the outskirts of the land of lightening. You were happy to leave that old place because it was filled with a lot of sorrowful memories and you took your small cactus with you (good plant momma)
The members were walking up a mountain and it turned out the mountain itself *was* the new base. Tunnels and rooms were carved into it and it was discreetly hidden. However the awesome part was that it was a second away from a beautiful sandy shore. You spent the entire morning unpacking then decided to head down and enjoy some sun since you haven’t felt laid back for a while.
You watched all the members run out to the beach excitedly and then looked at Pein. He smiled and rubbed your shoulder “You can go enjoy your day as well. You deserve a day off, plus, I doubt anyone can focus on work after that journey and with the new distractions of a new environment”
You smiled and rubbed the back of your head “Actually I was wondering if you would wanna come with…you know and have some fun”
He shook his head “Sorry y/n. I still have work to do”
Konan entered giving him a scroll “No you don’t. You deserve a break as well Nagato” she said giving you a wink.
He sighed and nodded “fine ok whatever you want”
You hugged him excitedly “Thank you~,I’ll meet you both down then!!” and you ran off.
“Both?” Konan asked feeling a bit insecure
“This is your doing. Now you are forced to come with me as well” Pein teased her with a smirk.
You went to change into your bathing suit and ran down to the beach and sat on the shore edge enjoying the warm waves hit your feet. Soon enough Konan joined and sat next to you. You were chatting until Pein showed up with a frown on his face "Y/n!" he complained
"What?" You looked up at him questioningly
"The members are staring at you" he said obviously pissed off
"Pft they are thirsty pigs...so what?"
"I meant they are staring at your chest" he continued
You looked down seeing the nipple piercings were clearly showing from the thin fabric and blushed. You were going to apologize but it was too late because Pein was already towering over you and Konan protectively.“OK LISTEN UP HERE PEOPLE! I’M SETTING DOWN SOME RULES!! QUIT YOUR STARING!! Or I will see to it that your eyes will never see the light of day again! Is that understood?” He yelled making all the members nod.
Then sat next to you with a frown “This new location was a mistake” he mumbled making you and Konan laugh.
The other members decided to head down as well and Pein actually allowed it since he thought a day off would enhance performance later on.

FanfictionHey guys ! there are alot of these around but i wanted to write my own. (Alot of spelling mistakes because it's a baby book. Grammar Nazis beware) y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. the characters in the story are Pein - Hidan - Kakuzu De...