(I guess half of you guessed that something bad was going to happen because :’D
Will you be able to save? Or will you die by each other’s side?...no idea
Two months passed already. It was one of your regular routine nights; you finished your paper work early and sat on the edge of the tower watching the rain in peace. You were looking at the city, seeing the small shining lights of each household in the rain’s fog until Zetsu emerged from the ground behind you. “Y/n”
You got up and approached him “Yes Zetsu? Are any of the members done with their mission reports?”
He shook his head “Not yet but we have some bad news **It’s about Leader sama**”
You looked at him worriedly “go on”
“the meeting he was supposed to have with a traitor from the sand backfired in his face. Now he is trapped in a sand prison that is sealed from the outside”
“WHAT!! How did this happen!!” you yelled
“the traitor was under the control of Orochimaru…he did it using the resurrected body of the third kazekage** and he seems to know a lot about the Rinnegan and its weaknesses**” he explained
You looked down at the ground thinking then up at him “Why didn’t Nagato use Pein instead for that meeting?!! His body is too fragile to handle a battle alone! Who is the closet group to them?”
“the members are all concentrated far from the land of fire including Konan…so technically we are the closest, though I don’t think it’s wise for other members to know about Nagato’s true identity yet”
You bit your lip nervously “…Zetsu?”
“Yes y/n?”
“Can you take me there?” you asked quietly
“**in your condition?** that is absurd Pein will have our heads!” he said shock
“DO IT OR *I’LL* HAVE YOUR HEAD!!” you ordered and he nodded hesitantly placing his hand on your forehead and engulfing your body in a white like matter until everything got dark.
Four months have passed and you were helping Konan around in the tower at the rain village while Hidan was away. She was weirdly very sweet to you. You were standing with her on one of the buildings collecting data on the village’s well-being and were having a good time.
After finishing up you headed to Pein’s tower to hand him the data scrolls but froze in your tracks after over hearing Zetsu and Pein’s conversation.
Zetsu-“Kakuzu said he lost all trace of him…the attack was that strong and in Kakuzu’s state I don’t think he can go looking for him. I tried looking myself to give Kakuzu time to patch up but he told me the rogues were still out there, so I didn’t want to risk it, since I'm not the fighter type”
You ran inside with a panicked expression “Where is Kakuzu now?!”
Pein looked at you shocked at your intrusion “y/n…you were lis-“
“WHERE IS HE!!? ANSWER ME??” you yelled at Zetsu
“It’s near…He is in the forest north of the fire country, near Tanzaku village”
You dropped the scrolls to the ground and quickly ran out the tower as fast as you could with Pein yelling and calling you to come back immediately.
“Zetsu follow her! She could lead the rogues back here if she isn’t careful”

FanficHey guys ! there are alot of these around but i wanted to write my own. (Alot of spelling mistakes because it's a baby book. Grammar Nazis beware) y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. the characters in the story are Pein - Hidan - Kakuzu De...