Nagato woke up slightly feeling you shift and squirm next to him. He rubbed his eyes and looked down to where you were. You were clutching on to his waist tightly rubbing you face against his stomach and whimpering slightly.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" He didn't understand why you didn't answer but then it occurred to him that you were having a nightmare. He nudged you slightly on your shoulder "y/n...Y/n wake up"
you jerked slightly panting heavily holding on to him for dear life then you looked up around and saw Nagato was next to you looking worried.
"Oh thank god you are still here" you said placing your hand on your heart.
He cupped your cheeks looking at you deeply "yes I'm here. What did you dream of that got you so flustered?"
You sighed and placed your hands over his. "I dreamt my father was still alive...and he took you from me...he took everything…you and our child and the entire village even the Akatsuki...I lost everything"
He nodded in understanding "y/n, your father is dead. I made sure of that personally and nothing in this world will take me away from you or our child" he said placing his hand on your stomach “I promise you"
You nodded and smiled "I know it’s a silly dream...but it looked so real" you said then lied back down with him. He played with your hair "just go back to sleep goddess"
You smiled and closed your eyes drifting back to sleep.
You spent most of your days napping since you had nothing better to do. Hidan was out sacrificing even though he didn't show it, he truly cared about you and stayed hours praying for you to stay healthy and safe. The jashinist noticed the sun was going down and rushed back to the base. He walked in the room seeing you sound asleep and smiled then headed to take a shower. He was enjoying the hot water until he heard you wincing and whimpering calling his name asking him to save you from 'him'. He left the shower quickly turning off the water and rushed into the room to see you still asleep but you were almost sobbing saying his name over and over. “Y/n it's just a dream wake up!" He shook your shoulder gently and you quickly sat up grabbing on to his hand tightly then looked down at your body and sighed in relief. "Oh thank Jashin"
He cupped your face looking deeply into your eyes "who fucking scared you so much babe? Ill crack his spine open"
You shook your head “I don’t know...I was being followed by someone and you weren't there to help me then my body caught fire"
"That's because you are wearing a long sleeved shirt in the middle of July!" He yelled and snatched the shirt off you tossing it aside then continued "don’t you fucking know you are going to get heat flashes because of your fucking hormones?"
You looked at him confused "you actually researched?"
"Well you keep saying I'm a moron at this so I had to stoop down to your girly bitchy level"
You smiled and gave him a kiss then noticed he was soaking wet "sorry babe, did I interrupt your shower? should head back"
He smirked "you want to join me baby?"
You smiled and nodded
You stuck to him like a baby koala, constantly needing to feel his touch to make sure he was always there for you and still loves you despite being a complete psycho.
He was enjoying an old book and you had your head on his lap while he stroked your hair gently. But suddenly you frowned and started to squirm and whine. “Kazu~…stop”
He let go of your hair and looked down at you seeing you were still asleep. He sighed and nudged your shoulder “y/n…wake up”. Your eyes shot open and you quickly moved away almost falling off the bed. He quickly wrapped his tendrils around your body and pulled you back before you hit the floor. You looked at him still a bit dazed with dilated eyes while he caressed your cheek “y/n?”
You blinked twice shaking your head and smiled “I just had a nightmare like a five year old” you laughed then hugged his waist and laid your head back down on his lap releasing a sigh of relief.
He shook his head “you get more insane every day. You said my name in your sleep”
“yeah I was dreaming about you…I dreamt you left me and I couldn’t move…you went into a door and on the other side was a blazing wild fire…I told you to stop but you kept walking into it” you paused a bit and looked at him “You won’t ever leave me right?”
He sighed and leaned back opening his book one more and stroking your hair “I couldn’t even if I wanted to…you are too precious and you’ve been stuck to me like glue for the entire week”
You smiled and rolled over with your back to him enjoying his hand in your hair “I love you Kazu”
He had a small genuine smile, one that he would never show you and went back to his book.
You were both sleeping on the porch. You felt like you needed some sun on your skin so he sat down on the porch leaning his back to the wall with you between his legs leaning your back against his chest and his arms around you rubbing your stomach gently.
Soon enough, he felt you stir in his arms and opened his eyes to find you still asleep but struggling in his grip trying to move his arms away from you as you started panting heavily. He moved his hands away and placed them on your shoulders wake you up. you flinched and sat up quickly turning around to see who was behind you. you calmed down seeing Deidara looking at your worriedly and held onto his shoulder feeling some strong cramp and closed your eyes in pain. He rubbed you stomach gently and lifted your chin up “are you ok princess?”
You shook your head and felt tears forming in your eyes. He hugged you tight and rubbed your back gently “shhh it’s okay, don’t cry. I'm here for you”
You clutched onto his shirt “you won’t ever let anything take me away from you right?”
He pulled away and looked into your eyes cupping your face “of course not! I will annihilate anyone that would come near you. Even if I have to raze everything to the ground and turn the entire world to a blight ground, yeah?”
You gave him a sad smile and hugged him again while he rubbed your back to calm you down.
Sasori came back from his mission and entered the room sealing Hiruko back in his scroll and taking off his cloak. He looked over to you still cuddled up to your favorite puppet and felt a tad jealous. He turned around to put his scroll in the storage closet but you jerked up from the bed and sat up with labored breaths placing your hand on your forehead. Sasori looked at you “Doll?....what’s wrong?”
You gave him a sad look and picked up your puppet hugging it tightly like a little kid with her stuffed animal toy. He put his scroll on the table and went to sit by you then pried the puppet from your hands and hugged you tight in his arms instead. “tell me what’s wrong doll?...are your hormones acting up again?”
You bit your lip and held on to him tightly “no…I just had a bad dream”
“it’s ok. You are just stressed and worried. Everything is fine”
You teared up “I dreamt *sniff* I lost the child because I didn’t listen to you and *sniff* wasn’t careful enough and then you got angry at me…and *sniff*”
He smiled “ well…I can’t argue with that. You need to always listen to me because I always want what is best for my masterpiece but don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe always”
You smiled and kissed him softly.
You were still at the camp with Kisame, Itachi, Kakuzu and Hidan. All of you were asleep and the fire was dying out. why you ask? because it was Hidan’s turn to be on look out while you guys slept and he just dozed off. You jerked upwards from your dream screaming startling everyone around you. They all frowned at you for waking them up so suddenly and you quickly got up and threw your sword at a nearby tree with all the force you had. Everyone looked at you confused until a body of an ANBU dropped from the tree to the ground with a loud thud.
You sighed in relief and felt a bit dizzy from the sudden violent movement. Kisame held on to you staring in shock at the dead body. “How the hell did you know he was there so quick?” Kisame said
“I-…I don’t know I had a bad dream…and I…I felt I was in danger” you said breathlessly
“that was good aim y/n” Itachi said rubbing your shoulder gently giving you a warm smile
“heh in all my years alive, I’ve never seen a real life act of motherly instincts before” Kakuzu said. You smiled at him but then frowned “how did that guy get so close to us anyways?...Kisame weren’t you supposed to be on lookout?”
“my shift ended I gave it to Kakuzu” Kisame said and looked at Kakuzu
“I gave it to-….” The masked man scowled seeing his partner fast asleep on the ground snoring loudly “YOU SON OF A BITCH!!” he yelled striking his tendrils inside Hidan’s body making him wake up screaming from the pain until the Jashinist realized what he did and smiled awkwardly.
“I never really cared for you much Kakuzu but now I have such deep respect for you, that you are able to handle that idiot around you all day. you are indeed a saint” you said to the masked man
He sighed and retracted his tendrils “I try”
Everyone was in the main hall. Hidan, Deidara, Kakuzu and Sasori were gambling on a card game. You had your head leaned on Kisame’s shoulder. Watching them, made you drift of to deep sleep. Kisame secretly enjoyed this and noticed the Uchiha eyeing him from afar while reading a book.
“Are you jealous Itachi kun?” the shark man mocked
“No. I just don’t trust any of you around her” Itachi said calmly and turned another page
“come now. y/n is too cute to kill plus I think the weakling already grew on me” Kisame mocked.
“regardless of that, I still don’t think she is safe around you” Itachi said not moving his eyes form his book
“tsk so salty” Kisame said
You shifted in your sleep and held on to Kisame’s shoulder tightly making him smirk “See she doesn’t want to let go”
Itachi sighed looking up at you “Wake her up. She is probably having a bad dream. She isn’t supposed to feel stressed, it’s unhealthy”
Kisame nudged you gently “Hyuga?….Hey weakling wakeup” you opened your eyes slightly and widened them then looked up at kisame. You sat up and took off you head band and pointed to your forehead “Is the curse mark still there?” you asked the shark man worriedly.
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow and nodded making you sigh in relief. You smiled then leaned your head on his shoulder again making him laugh and wrap his arm around your shoulder pulling you close to his chest as Itachi stared holes into the fish man’s skull.

FanfictionHey guys ! there are alot of these around but i wanted to write my own. (Alot of spelling mistakes because it's a baby book. Grammar Nazis beware) y/n is your name. f/n is your family name. the characters in the story are Pein - Hidan - Kakuzu De...